The Key To Happiness? Choosing It!

The key to happiness is much more simple than you might think. Believe it or not, it’s actually a choice. So choose it! happiness ˈhapɪnəs noun the state of being happy. Quite a lot of people think that happiness just happens. It’s whoever pulls out the longest straw, maybe you win on a scratch card, you passed that test you

7 Questions To Get You Motivated And Stay Motivated!

Today, we look at a topic which is key to your weight loss success – MOTIVATION! Plus, we explore the 7 questions you should ask yourself in order to not only get motivated, but remain motivated! Motivation is ultimately what will not only keep you on track, but will propel you forward to reaching your end goal of your dream

6 Ways to be Happier in 2017!

No matter what journey we are on in our lives Happiness is something we all want to achieve. The term happy is ‘to feel or show pleasure or contentment’, in a broad sense you think that would be quite easily achieved but everyone’s happiness is found in different ways. For some time with a loved one is all the happiness

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