7 Questions To Get You Motivated And Stay Motivated!
Today, we look at a topic which is key to your weight loss success – MOTIVATION! Plus, we explore the 7 questions you should ask yourself in order to not only get motivated, but remain motivated!
Motivation is ultimately what will not only keep you on track, but will propel you forward to reaching your end goal of your dream target weight. And when you get there, motivation will need to continue so that you hold onto that dream size.
To motivate is to encourage a reason for doing something, and for everyone, their motivation will be different. As we’re mid-way through spring, many of our customers are using summer as their motivation, but this can vary from person to person.
Like anything in life we all have our reasons for wanting to do something. Whether it is big or small, finding the motivation to help you complete the task is sometimes all you need for success. In terms of a weight loss journey the reasons can be more complex so to keep you on the right path leading into summer, ask yourself why you on this journey and what made you take the first step?
We all have our various reasons for starting a diet but reminding yourself the main reasons why is a great way to keep focused on working towards your target weight. Starting a diet can seem like a daunting task and in particular, the first few days are scary when you don’t know what to expect but determination and motivation go hand in hand.
The longer you stay on your diet the easier it will be to complete. If your New Year diet started at the start of the month then you will already be in the zone and you’ll notice that it’s getting easier as the weeks go on. BUT, if you have only started or are thinking of starting, this is only beginning and you might need a little bit more motivation to help you have a successful start.
Whatever your reasons are for starting a diet, we all have the same results in mind. It doesn’t matter if your target weight can be achieved in weeks or months, we all want to finish our New You Plan feeling healthier, happier, slimmer and proud!
To help you get there ask yourself the following questions. With every question think about your motivation and how it affects you emotionally? Get out a pen and paper and jot down your answers. We’re sure you’ll will be surprised how helpful this will be.
And if throughout your journey you feel yourself lacking in motivation, revisit this task to keep you on track!
7 Questions To Get You Motivated And Stay Motivated!
2. WHY is this important to me?
3. WHAT is my ideal weight? (Be specific)
4. WHEN am I going to achieve it?
5. HOW am I going to achieve my ideal weight? What is your plan? If you want to do it fast and simple, total food replacement is a great option!
6. If I achieve this what is the BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME? Describe it in detail, write it out now on a piece of paper or in a note on your phone.
7. If I don’t take action and don’t achieve this what is the WORST POSSIBLE OUTCOME? Describe it in detail too.
Now that you have your answers, you have your own personal guide to help you achieve your dreams this year. By asking yourself these questions you are unlocking reasons you might have never considered before, which will therefore be providing you with even more reasons to carry on until you reach your target weight.
“Feeling the emotion of the BEST and WORST outcomes – can make it a no brainer for you to get motivated to take action!” – Julz
Motivation can come when you least expect it! It is the key to help you achieve your goals and push through the bad days. Take action today and make 2017 your best year yet. Your motivation is all around you – you just need to remind yourself of it.
Remind yourself of your answers to the above questions everyday. Stick them on your fridge, on your mirror or save them in your phone. This exercise will give you a boost of motivation when you feel you need it.
You are on this journey for a reason and reminding yourself why is the key to your success!
Good luck! xx
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Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
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