“My TFR Weight Loss Vlog: 75lbs Lost In 22 Weeks!”*
Now 22 weeks into her TFR weight loss journey, Hele has lost a huge 75lbs!* This week she had to overcome a big obstacle but due to her change and mindset, this was easy! Find out how she did it.

My meals plans
Life gives us the solutions we need, doesn’t it? I was struggling with my bar eating habit but this seems to be left in the past now. So what changed? I had a tooth extraction at the start of the week and the following five days it literally hurt me to eat any bars. Problem solved, huh?
The tooth problem was something that ruled my whole week and therefore I also chose food that would be softer and more gentle for my mouth. My favourites were the Cottage Pie and Chocolate Brownie. These were the meals that cheered me up.
Also, I started noticing that my water intake was getting lower so I had to be creative here as well. M y saviour was sparkling water! I have no problem with getting down 4-5 litres pay day now. What I also use is the Orange Zest Water Flavouring – my absolute favourite!! 🙂
What I overcame this week
My week was ruled by the tooth problems and that was another example of the everyday things we need to face when on a diet. We are very used to some situations and how we act or behave in them. Being on plan at the same time, can be challenging. For me the challenge was a bit different. With all the pain in my mouth I didn’t want to eat anything at all so I had to be creative because my body needs energy. So I had to pull myself together and start thinking about what I could eat, rather than what I couldn’t.
What I learnt this week?
It is all about dedication and focus. If we are determined to accomplish something then with full focus on strong dedication, we can do it!
How I felt this week…
I felt confident! Although I had much going on in my personal life but I knew that even though I was struggling with other bits, the plan is not amongst them. I knew what I was doing, I knew what I had to do and I did it. Following the plan is not actually difficult – it has been made very easy for us. I don’t miss regular food because I don’t think about it. If I thought about all the dishes and drinks that I cannot have, I am sure that it would be a huge challenge to be on the plan. But I don’t do that because that wouldn’t do me any good.
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