7 Tips to Make You Unstoppable on your TFR Diet

TFR Diet – How to make it a fun and exciting transformation! How do you feel when you think about being on a Total Food Replacement TFR Diet? Overwhelmed… Scared…. Down…. Or… Excited!!! Happy!!! Buzzing!!! How you feel will greatly impact your results, your chances of getting to your healthy weight loss goal, and the experience that you have on your TFR

New You Diet: What packs to eat and when?

New You Diet Meal Replacements New You Diet Meal Replacements have been specifically formulated to give you the highest standard of quality meal replacements that can help you to quickly and easily achieve your weight loss goals and maintain. Meal replacements provide structure, ease and convenience, which is perfect for those who have let their eating get out of control

Who are you comparing yourself to?

I truly believe that the best policy for anyone to have in regards to weight loss, fitness, career, wealth, personal development etc.  Is to always aim to be better than you were yesterday and enjoy every day of your journey. It is great to have role models and people who inspire and motivate you, but when it comes to comparing

What are your 3 Level Goals?

I am sure you are wondering what the heck 3 level goals are…. well let me explain. When you set any type of goal, whether that is a weight loss goal or any other type of goal, it is a great idea to set 3 levels.    This means that you will not feel like a failure if you do

Exercising and VLCD / TFR

When you start your diet, you may soon feel more energy and a desire to exercise, but what type of exercise should you do? In the first week or two you probably won’t feel like exercising at all.  DON’T – just relax and enjoy getting into your new routine with your diet.  Walking is good, it gets you out of the house,

New You Secret Slimmers on Facebook

Hi everyone, Today I am announcing New You Secret Slimmers on Facebook. Our New You Secret Slimmers group ~ is exactly what it says on the tin, a SECRET SLIMMERS group on facebook. This means that… NO ONE can see who is a member. NO ONE can see your posts, comments etc. NEW YOU will not be sharing any comments

What to eat if you are going to cheat…

“Eating is Cheating!” Well yes, it is called total food replacement for a reason, the word TOTAL gives you a clue. Total Food Replacement is your fast track success route to getting to your slim healthy target weight with no hiccups, consistent great weight losses, no hunger, masses of energy, loads of confidence, and a spring in your step. When

Going on a diet? Why you need it zip it…

OK, you are going to embark on a diet. You feel uber determined and want to get the support and encouragement of your friends and family to spur you on your way. You are excited about starting your diet, and proceed to tell your partner, mum, best friend, cousin, granny, auntie, uncle, your boss, the guy that owns the corner

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