7 Ways To Commit to 7 Days!

  7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, or 604800 seconds is all it takes to see a difference in your weight and body with the New You Plan.  The hardest part is deciding as to whether now is the right time to lose weight – but how long have you been thinking about it? How many tomorrows haven’t come? Could

Hormones And Weight Loss

Hormones are chemical messengers in our body and they control an array of different processes including metabolism and reproduction.  Sometimes hormonal imbalances can occur in certain circumstances leading to too much or too little of important hormones and in some cases this can lead to weight gain or weight loss.  On the other hand the actual gain or loss of

Summer Decluttering – Love Your Summer Body

Many little things in life affect how we see our bodies, how we feel about our bodies from the comments you first heard at a young age to the filtered beauty the media shares. The first step is to recognize that body image is all related to mindset, regardless of where the voice that says these negative things about your

Relive Those Summer Memories

July and August, we’ve been concentrating on helping you make plans for a summer slim down. Be positive, it’s still not too late to put your weight loss goals into action! If you’re still not convinced that now is the right time for you, let’s take a walk down memory lane… What was summer 2020 like for you? Last year

Medication and Weight Gain

Medications, also known as medicines, pharmaceuticals or prescription drugs are an extremely  important part of modern medicine as they can help manage, cure or treat specific conditions and can be life-saving. Alongside the beneficial effects also comes side effects or ‘adverse reactions’. Side effects can range from mild to life threatening conditions, although these thankfully are rare. Unfortunately one side

Recognising Motivation Roadblocks

When you embark on a weight loss journey, it’s important to be in the right state of mind and have a strategy to keep yourself motivated. One particular strategy is being able to both recognise obstacles and deal with them quickly so you can stay on track. The reason why motivation is so important is that it can trigger emotions,

Weight And Heart Health

What is heart health? Our heart is a muscle that continually pumps oxygenated blood to our organs and tissues keeping our bodies alive, protecting its health is imperative for our quality of life and longevity.   Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the general term for when our heart and its associated blood vessels become unhealthy, and encompasses many types of conditions (1).

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