Let’s Work on Your Healthy Holiday Mindset

Well done, you made it to December! This time of year can feel so magical! Do you remember when you were a kid, how easy it was to believe in Santa? And not just him but fairies and the elves? Well, our mind coach Pascale remembers and she thinks it’s now time to believe in yourself.  Whether you’ve been on

Do You Believe You Can & Will Lose Weight?

As you may well know, here at New You, we actively promote a growth mindset as we feel that during a journey of transformation, changes in your mindset are as equally as important as changes to your physical health. A big part of a healthy mindset set is having the ability to believe that you can achieve anything you put

Irish Stew – The Real Taste of Home

Tastes and smells have the power to bring on memories from the past, and that couldn’t be truer when it comes to Irish stew. It can take you back to when, dressed up in your coat, hat and scarf you would arrive home on a frosty winter evening and be greeted by the comforting smell of stew. And although your

Building A Confident Self – Image

Having started to take action on improving your confidence in certain areas of your life, it’s time to work on your self-image. The problem is that when you look in the mirror, what you see could be real but it could also be a distorted view of who you really are. Based on what you view, you develop either a

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

We understand that setting yourself goals can be difficult and a little scary, but that’s only because new goals involve change. Although change means you will do things differently, it doesn’t also mean it has to be hard.  To put you at ease and to give you more confidence, here at New You HQ, we decided to put together some

Winning 2nd Place Has Boosted Sarah’s Confidence

Second place transformation winner Sarah had completely given up on trying to lose weight. She had spent so long feeling uncomfortable in her body that she had gotten used to it. Trying to lose weight had always led to failure and was just too hard. It wasn’t until she faced fertility problems that she found the strength to take action.

Celebrating Your Wins No Matter the Size!

People who haven’t had to live with being overweight don’t realise the challenges that people who have lived with it face on a daily basis. Society has been built around the average Joe which means that if you are heavier than that, navigating simple things such as using a public toilet can be difficult, stressful and embarrassing. The things that

Your Confidence in Action!

Now you understand yourself a bit more and you know the area’s of confidence that you need to work on, it’s time to take action and start to build on your self-belief and confidence. This week in her coaching session, Pascale will offer suggestions on tools you can use to take action on a regular basis and flex and build

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