Keep Choosing Your New You Again & Again & Again
I have already had my 4 new you meal replacements today, I have been working all day on our NEW YOU SWITCH EATING EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM, on top of that I have to prepare for a team meeting to prepare for tomorrow.
I am going to be working for a few more hours tonight, and I really felt like I wanted to eat something. I am NOT hungry. I sometimes just want to reach for something as part of having a break, or changing my state.
I Chose my New Me Again
I became aware of where my thoughts were going and how I was going off track, moving away from my goals and who I wanted to be.
I caught myself, and took a deep breathe, and then I remembered WHY I am doing this.
Why I Am Doing This
I remembered a comment my daughter made to me the other day, that made me want to be healthy for her.
I thought about how important it is to me to start making videos, and how much I want to be strong and inspire people.
I connected emotionally my personal goals and desires for my future.
And I chose my NEW ME again.
I have to keep choosing her.
Sometimes I have to chose 10 times everyday!
Any time I notice my thoughts wondering to anything that is taking me off course from the person I want to be.
I notice it, take a deep breath, connect with my WHY and chose my NEW ME again.

Im going to keep choosing me, the new me, the version of me I want to become until some day I am her and everything comes naturally.
I want you to keep choosing you, your NEW YOU, the 2020 version of you, who is living his/her/their best life.
If you want some help in getting connected with YOUR NEW YOU so that everyday you can emotionally connect and CHOSE YOUR NEW YOU NEW AGAIN.
I am blogging every single day in 2020, I have written some recent blog posts that can help you connect with your new you. This is SUCH AN IMPORTANT part of your transformation. You need to know who you want to be and feel emotionally connected to becoming the best version of yourself and living your best life.
How to feel REALLY INSPIRED to Lose Weight & Create Your New You.
Imagine what you can achieve in 6 months by SUMMER 2020
How Creating A Name for Your NEW YOU IN 2020 can help you transform.
Much Love,
Julz xox
PS. If you would like to join me on a mission to lose 3 stone for Easter, please check out the special offers page and sign up for our £1000 transformation cash prize challenge! I have already lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks!
PPS. Keep checking back everyday for my latest blog, I am going to be blogging every single day in 2020. I have set myself this challenge to improve my creativity and writing over the year! Also to keep myself accountable on my transformation journey! I appreciate your support and encouragement!
If you want to join me and thousands others you can find out all our best offers here – CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL SPECIAL OFFERS.

Fancy Dropping 3 Jean Sizes and Winning £1000 cash for Easter?
Make sure you take your before photo and join in with our transformation challenge for a chance to win £1000 cash prize!
We have a great buzz in our community, so many people are losing pounds and gaining confidence! We have selfie competitions, blogger competitions and prizes every week, just to help you feel focused and enjoy your journey! That is what we are all about here at the new you plan, we believe that your weight loss journey should be one of the most amazing experiences of your life!