Julz 2020 Daily Blog
Let’s Imagine What We Can Achieve for Summer 2020

Let’s Imagine What We Can Achieve for Summer 2020

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My 8 year old daughter was filling in her calendar she got for Christmas this afternoon. “Mummy, what are we doing in July this year?”

We haven’t any plans yet, but I would like to go somewhere. 🙂

It got me thinking of all that could happen between now and the summer and how different I could look and feel in this time period – IF I STAY COMMITTED AND CONSISTENT!

What about you? Do you have any plans for this summer?

Are you planning a family holiday? Do you have a wedding to attend?

How do you want to feel and what do you want to wear when you attend your summer events?

Is there anything you missed out on doing last summer because of your weight / confidence, that you sat on the sidelines and didn’t take part?

How much would you like to do be part of every adventure and experience this summer?

With the new year here, this is the perfect time to get serious about your transformation and your commitment to living a healthier lifestyle so that when the summer time comes you can go and enjoy every event, wear whatever you like, and feel proud of what you have achieved!

The great thing about total food replacement is that you get pretty consistent results and predicting your weight loss is quite easy.

If you can be consistent with the plan then you can predict what weight you will be by a certain date.

Most people will lose approximately 1 stone a month, this is because you are consuming around 800 calories a day. Weight loss is achieved by creating a calorie deficit and there is no easier way to create a calorie deficit than by following our specialist diet meal replacement plan.

Great weight loss results are achieved by consistently taking 4 of our specialist meal packs a day alongside an optional high protein snack, water flavouring and milk allowance.

By sticking to the simple NEW YOU PLAN formula of

4 packs + 4 litres of water

You have less room for error and this increases your chances of consistent weight loss week after week.

In the first week on plan most people will lose more weight, but this is mostly water weight and glycogen. It is motivating to see the scales move fast though, it is a nice kick start emotionally and mentally.

Most people can lose 7-10 pounds in their first week, and then settle into a routine of losing 3-4 pounds a week. It isn’t always 3 or 4 every week. It can be 2 pounds one week, 4 pounds the next week and then 3.5 pounds the week after.

When most people average out their weekly weigh ins over a period of time it will average out at 3 or 4 pounds a week for most people. Which works out around 1 stone a month.

How much weight do you want to lose before Summer 2020?

Weight Loss Goal

2 stone

3 stone (click for best bundle)

4 stone

5 stone

6 stone

Possible Goal Date

End of February

End of March

End of April

End of May

End of June

As you can see from this table above – with 6 months of pure focus on your health and wellbeing you can totally transform your life and get this new decade off to the best possible start.

It is great to look ahead and imagine how you feel this Summer.

I love this quote from Albert Einstein.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

I think a lot of us forget the power of day dreaming and imagining all the things we want to happen in our life. The power of imagination when it is backed up with the right plan and consistent action is MAGICAL.

When you can fall in love with painting an amazing picture of how you want your NEW YOU to be, and you can wake up everyday and feel energised to follow the plan, you will be in a lovely flow state, and your weight loss journey will be easy, fun and exciting.

Mahatma Gandhi said “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

This really is true, and it is why all our success stories said that doing the plan was EASY & ENJOYABLE. Because when you can hold a positive picture in your mind and wake up every day and take actions that bring you closer to that vision, there really is no better feeling!! This is when you feel truly happy.

Don’t dismiss this as a silly exercise not worth doing.

Spend time on your imagination, spend time imaging yourself living your best life this summer.

Where will you be? Who with? What would you love to be wearing? How do you want to feel? Imagine it all in great detail and every night before you go to sleep create this picture in your minds eye.

In our NEW YOU MAGICAL ME JOURNAL – we encourage you do to close your eyes and do this every morning for 2 minutes, alongside other daily habits like gratitude, positive affirmations, planning your day and connecting with your goals.

This really is the easiest diet in the world.

All you need to do is stick to the winning formula of 4 packs and 4 litres of water and all your dreams can come true for this Spring or Summer.

Imagine how amazing you will feel.

Think about how easy this is to do.

Commit to making 2020 the year that you take control and start putting yourself first.

I hope you will join me! It is going to be an amazing year of transformation, I want you to be part of it, so that we can all enjoy this together!

Much Love,

Julz xo

Click here to check out our NEW YEAR NEW YOU SPECIAL OFFER DEALS with 10% Extra MEALS. You can chose from 3 week, 6 week and 12 week meal bundles.

If you want to lose 3 stone I recommend the 12 week bundle for best value.

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