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Watch Out – Winters About! 5 Ways to Watch Out For Winter Weight Gain

Watch Out – Winters About! 5 Ways to Watch Out For Winter Weight Gain

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Throughout the year you always know that New You products are the perfect way to keep your transformation on track. But what about other areas of your life that don’t involve eating? Who will help you navigate challenging situations.

Well as you may know, here at New You HQ, we love to give you as much support during your weight loss journey as possible. And that includes tips, inspiration and advice.

This winter we want to highlight some of the obstacles you may face due to the colder climate. We also want to give you some advice on how to bypass those obstacles for a successful 2022 transformation.

But why would winter, specifically, bring you challenges? Well according to research conducted by the University of Exeter each year we fight against our body’s natural instinct to cling onto it’s body fat. This hails back from when food would be scarce in winter months and people would need to carry extra weight through these times in order to burn it for energy and survive. So if those sweet treats look more tempting than usual in the winter, this could be the reason why!

It’s things like this, that once you know, you can arm yourself with tools to deal with. So here are some more challenges you may come up against:

ONE: Sleeping too much.

Those cold dark mornings make it hard to get yourself up and going in the morning. Too much sleep makes you less productive and more sedentary. Try investing in a natural light alarm to wake you naturally in the morning. Also make sure you have good winter outerwear so you feel more inclined to get outside and get moving. If you can’t face the cold weather, make sure you do some exercise indoors.

TWO: Look out for low hydration.

People tend to drink less, especially water in the winter time, because even out of the tap, it feels too cold. We’re all looking for the warming comfort of a hot drink. Dehydration can make you feel hungry when you’re not and decreases fat burning. So keep a particular eye on your fluid intake. Try drinking lukewarm water. It will encourage blood circulation and help with the breakdown of fat. Don’t forget that you can drink your shakes warm or use our boosts in warm water too.

THREE: Seasonal Affective Disorder is real.

SAD is a type of clinical depression, where the lack of light hours and sunlight affect your mood and emotions. When your mood is low, you may find it to stay motivated on your weight loss journey. Always seek medical or professional help if you are suffering. To help deal with SAD, try making the most of the light hours and getting yourself outside when the suns out.

FOUR: You’re dressed from head to toe.

Of course you are and your toasty warm. But the problem is that you spend months doing this and can’t actually see how your body is changing. Baggy clothes and thick layers can give you the illusion that you are not progressing in your transformation which will make you feel unmotivated. Make sure you make a point of putting on something closer fitting once a week or once every two weeks. It doesn’t have to be for long, just long enough for you to take a look at yourself and maybe take some pictures so you can compare to the last time. Doing this and visually seeing your own results can really motivate you to continue on your journey.

FIVE: Forgetting self care.

Winter can be a busy season with Christmas and new year. Also everything feels like it takes twice as long when you’re cold and with less daylight it really does feel like there are not enough hours in the day. However, try not to put yourself at the bottom of your to-do list. It’s important to take care of yourself in order to remain positive and feeling positive will definitely help your transformation. So next time you make a list of things to do, put something nice for you at the top, whether it be a warm bubble bath or some window shopping, just make sure you take some time out for yourself.

So now you know of some challenges that you could face this winter and how to tackle them. Remember, knowledge is power and with power comes the strength to face anything that gets in the way of the success of your transformation.

You’ve got this!

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