9 Ways To Eat Yourself Slim This Summer

Do you look forward to eating healthily this summer without feeling left out and can you truly eat yourself slim? The answer is yes and yes! In the winter we look forward to comfort food, albeit the healthier version, so what can we look forward to in the summer? How can you make food interesting or exciting? Well, we’ve got

5 Tips On How To Drop Pounds This Summer

More people drop pounds in the summer than any other season, so why don’t we have a look at how you can be part of that group? Whether you’re a sun worshipper or hate being outside in the heat and getting hot and sweaty, these top tips on how to drop pounds have got you covered.   1. Exercise Early

7 Life Hacks For Maintaining Your Weight

Everyone loves life hacks right?.. Once you reach your transformation goals, it can be tricky to maintain, especially in the summer. There’s so much social activity that it can be hard not to be swept up in the moment. It’s easy to indulge just a little too much. So to give you a bit of support throughout the sunny season, we’ve

Allie Lost 3 Stone and Now Walks Instead of Waddles!

Out of breath and waddling when she walked wasn’t fun for Allie and she knew she had to make some changes. Whilst in Spain, Allie discovered the New You Plan. As soon as she came home, she ordered her first bundle and she hasn’t looked back. Now that she’s lost 3 stone, Allie decided to share her journey with all

How Courtney Stuck To The Plan And Lost Over 6 Stone.

Hospital worker Courtney was unrecognisable to some of her colleagues after she lost over 6 stone. Within her working environment, it could be a while between talking to colleagues in the large hospital, so much so that Courtney would have given Clarke Kent a run for his money when it came to disguises! Having lost over 6 stone Courtney, was

How To Build Resilience For A Successful Transformation

Last week you learned how to tap into your growth mindset. This week to further master your mindset, Pascale is coaching you to build resilience in your mind so you can be successful in your transformation. What does having a resilient mind mean? To build resilience within your mind is about being able to adapt and bounce back when you

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