Debbie Can Now Wear Her Daughters’ Size 8 Jeans!

Debbie longed for the days when she was slimmer. But we don’t think she would have ever imagined the day when she could fit into her daughter’s clothes. Debbie was only seeking to lose 2 stone but went further than she ever thought possible when she started the New You Plan. We recently caught up with her and asked her

Yvonne Lost 3st 4lb & Feels Fabulous In A Bikini

Feeling completely fed up trying various diets which promised the world but didn’t deliver, Yvonne vowed to try something different and gave The New You Plan a go. Here, she shares how she lost 3st 4lbs, dropped 3 dress sizes and feels fabulous in a bikini. Describe how you felt before you started the plan? I have struggled with my

November Transformation Challenge Winners!

We are so proud to announce the winners of this months Transformation Challenge! With our winners coming in at a combined loss of 12 STONE!!!! We absolutely loved every single entry, and you all really do make it so hard to choose the winners! Thank you so much to everyone who entered.. If you have not entered before December’s Transformation

October Transformation Challenge WINNERS!

Our October’s Transformation Challenge entries tipped the scale- literally! With our winners coming in at a combined loss of 20 STONE!!!! We absolutely loved every single entry, and you all really do make it so hard to choose the winners! Thank you so much to everyone who entered.. If you have not entered before November’s Transformation Challenge ends 30th November. 

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