Dave Reveals How He Reached Weight Loss Success & Lost 4 stone 7lbs on The New You Plan
First your knees start to hurt when you kneel down. Then you realise your back aches when you bend. Before you know it – EVERYTHING hurts!
If you can relate, then you know how Dave felt before he started the New You Plan.
We caught up with Dave after he won our Spring Transformation challenge to find out how his aches and pains were after his weight loss success.

NY: Dave, why did you decide to take part in the Spring Transformation Challenge?
DAVE: My girlfriend was already doing The New You Plan and I decided to do it to keep her company. I never imagined I would have this success. The challenge definitely kept me on the right path, not that I thought in a million years I would win.
NY: That’s some Boyfriend goals right there Dave! It’s so great that you got to support each other on your journeys – even if you didn’t think you were on one at the time!
NY: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned since taking part in the Spring Transformation Challenge and achieving weight loss success?
DAVE: That I don’t have to stay fat. I honestly thought I would be overweight for the rest of my life. I’ve definitely realised that we’re all capable of way more than we think we are.

NY: It’s fantastic that you had that epiphany, Dave. We’ve always said that anyone can achieve anything they put their minds to with the right tools and support.
NY: Tell us about how you felt before you started the New You Plan.
DAVE: My knees and ankles hurt and I put that down to middle age but in reality, I was just too heavy and putting pressure on them. I was just too fat. I am happy to say that I am pain-free now. Another positive result of losing weight.
NY: It’s so easy to blame your age. I think we’re all guilty of it at some point. The fact that you now have no pain at all is brilliant. It’s surprising what benefits you feel when you are the right weight for your body. It also reminds us that it’s not all about what the scales say!
NY: How has the New You Plan changed your life?
DAVE: As well as no longer having joint pain, I’ve got way more energy. I’m working out and cycling too. My life has changed beyond recognition.
NY: It warms our heart to hear that. This is what we want for all our customers!
NY: What was your biggest motivator for staying on track?
DAVE: My dad and aunt both died early because of problems with obesity and my mum was worried about me, so while it’s nice to look better, there are health reasons to stay on the right path too.
NY: You’ve broken a potential cycle, Dave, you should be proud. Your mum doesn’t have to worry anymore either!
NY: What’s your biggest non-scale victory?
DAVE: Buying clothes in a proper clothes shop and not a supermarket. Obviously a small victory but it was big to me.
NY: Don’t be modest Dave! That’s a big victory! So many slimmers want to achieve this for themselves and you’ve shown them that they can.
NY: Since losing weight, what is your happiest memory or proudest moment?
DAVE: I think what I’m most proud of is the fact that people in the Secret Slimmers Facebook group, who I don’t know and I’ll never meet, are inspired by what I’ve done. That’s just brilliant!

NY: That’s the great thing about the Secret Slimmers-you can give inspiration and support without even realising. You can also get inspiration and support without judgement.
NY: So tell us, what are your fave New You meals and snacks?
DAVE: The Cottage Pie is hands down the best! I’m also quite partial to the Porridge. The selection of meals is great, which definitely made sticking to the plan a whole lot easier.

NY: Can you offer some advice to anyone reading this who’s thinking of starting the New You Plan?
DAVE: Do it! You’ve got nothing to lose but the weight. Also, don’t worry about the number on the scales if it’s not massive some weeks. The weight will come off! I’m definitely proof that this plan works.
NY: We couldn’t have said that better ourselves!
We think you’d agree that Dave has transformed both himself and his life through his dedication to helping his girlfriend and with help from the New You Plan.
If you can’t help but feel inspired by Dave’s weight loss success story, then follow his advice and give the New You Plan a try.
To find out more about how the plan works head on over to our Get Started page. And while you’re on our site, have a nose around and you’ll discover lots of important information, including how the New You Plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.