Diabetes And Weight

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that is characterised by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Having high blood glucose levels over a long period of time can cause a variety of health problems to include eye, kidney and nerve issues in addition to increasing risk of conditions like heart disease. Risk factors for having this condition

Sun, Sea & Slimdown!

  Do you have any summer holidays planned? With staycations looking like the popular (and only) option, heading towards the coast would be your best bet for getting in this year’s sun, sea and…slim down! You should already have a summer slim down plan in place and be working towards keeping yourself on track. If you want a fun tip

Links Between Weight and Joint Pain

Link between weight and joint pain What is joint pain? Joint pain such as in the knee, is a very common problem. It can happen in just one joint or in many such as the hands, feet, knees, hips and wrists.  There can be many causes of joint pain however it is strongly associated with weight. Weight can affect our

2021 Spring Transformation Winners!

Drum roll please… we are delighted to reveal the WINNERS of our 2021 Spring Transformation Challenge! Find out who has won our £1,000 First Prize We had such an amazing response to our Spring Transformation Challenge! We LOVED seeing how motivated you were to smash your goals this season! The past year has been testing time for every one lockdown

Your Summer Slim Down Mindset -Sunshine love

Your harshest critic is you. It’s sad to say but it’s true. You compare yourself to others, but you can’t help it. The problem is that you don’t see yourself as others around you do.  It’s important to see how your friends and family see you as it will make you feel loved and more positive, which will give you

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