It’s Your Time To Shine!

Wow, Christmas seems like a distant memory with January already half done! You should be back into the old routine by now, with ideas on how you’re going to ditch some of the habits that aren’t working for you and introduce some new ones that will. This week, during Pascale’s mindset session with you she will talk about systems and

Do you reach for snacks when feeling Unhappy?

Emotional Eating Many of us reach for our comfort foods after an upsetting or stressful day. Yet the term emotional eating is often brought up in a problematic or harmful context. Let’s find out what it is and how it could be impacting you and your weight management journey.  What is emotional eating? Emotional eating refers to changes in what

January Blues? New You Have Got You!

The beginning of January can be an emotional time. Everyone you come into contact with or every other social media post or email you read shouts at you ‘happy new year’ – but you’re not feeling it. You know it’s the new year but you can’t seem to find the ‘happy’ part. And that’s ok. The whole world is still

Big Plans Get Big Results

With January underway and the festive period and bank holidays behind you, life can go back to normal and you now should be caught up on what the day is today! Those days between Christmas and new year really do get blurred! Now you have your routine back, it’s time to set up your healthy goal in a way that

New Year New You £7000 Transformation Challenge

The year is new, it’s 2022 and we’re levelling up the Transformation Challenge here at New You HQ!  We’re so proud that you are continually putting your health first by losing weight with us, but we know that the beginning of a new year can be a tricky time to get motivated and stay that way. DOWNLOAD YOUR POSTER HERE!

The Jaw-Dropping January Weight Loss Challenge is On!

In the run-up to Christmas we gave you the Countdown to Christmas Challenge, and now with a brand new year comes our Jaw-dropping January Weight Loss Challenge. And of course, any of our customers can take part and it’s free. Don’t worry, we’re still running our Transformation Challenge (which is still on with HUGE prizes), we just wanted to offer

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