Good TFR Things Come To Those That…

How do you want to look & feel this Spring & Summer? Do you want to feel slim and slender, feel good in your clothes, and look the picture of health, happiness and vitality? I hope you want to feel like that, and even if you feel the complete opposite to that now (fat, overweight, bulging out of your clothes,

Question: What is your ideal clothes size?

Have a think for a minute please and answer this question…. What is your ideal clothes size? Now be really honest with yourself and answer this question below…. Why are you not wearing that size now? And this is probably the most important question… Are you closer to your ideal clothes size this month than you were last month? If

Dropping dress sizes on New You Diet Plan*

*Results may vary, this is not a guarantee. I have been enjoying dropping dress sizes on the new you diet plan, I have been buying some clothes from Next, mainly because they are great for delivery, and the clothes are nice without being too expensive.  I am planning on giving them all away to a lucky reader once they are

Is dieting really really really hard for you?*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee [highlight]”Do you know what’s really, really, really easy? Whatever you say is really, really, really easy. Same goes for the hard stuff…”[/highlight] Is this what you say when you think about going on a diet… TFR Dieting is really really really HARD… 🙁  All that sacrifice…. going without any food

March Weight Loss Results – Please update!*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Spring is a-coming and Bootcamp is live….     Remember to leave a comment below to let us know your weekly weigh in result!   We would also love to hear how you are finding the tasks and everything else Bootcamp has to offer so include that in your comment

I love Mondays at The New You Plan

Yay it is Monday!!  I LOVE MONDAY’S AT THE NEW YOU PLAN! Monday is the most popular day of the week to start a diet.  New week, new start, new you! At The New You Plan we have a group on facebook called New You Secret Slimmers, and every Monday morning, it is a joy to log in and read

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