BMI CHART – What is your Healthy Weight?
BMI Chart from The New You Diet Plan
Do you know what weight you should be? A BMI Chart will help you to easily calculate your healthy target weight range, all you need to know is your height, and then you can see what weight you are to be healthy, overweight, very overweight, and also underweight.
Many people kid themselves and think their weight is OK, but it is important to know what your BMI Healthy Range is and aim to get to this range, or at least as close as you can. The BMI Chart from New You Plan will help you easily see where you healthy weight range starts and ends.
In the New You Plan BMI Chart, you will see that we have used a traffic light system:
[button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com” size=”large” color=”red”]RED – is for VERY OVERWEIGHT BMI – you really need to take action if you are in this range as your weight may cause your health to really suffer as you at a higher risk of illnesses. If you are finding it really hard to lose weight, speak to your doctor about your suitability to follow a VLCD / Total Food Replacement diet plan, so you can take control of your weight and your health, and with the supervision of your doctor move towards the Orange and Green BMI Ranges….[/button]
[button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com” size=”large” color=”orange”]ORANGE – is for OVERWEIGHT BMI – if you are in this range (especially if you are borderline to the red / very overweight section) then you should be taking some action to move towards the Green, or at least move as close to the green as you can. You could follow the New You Total Food Replacement Plan or you could replace 2 meals per day and have 1 healthy evening meal every day – this meal would consist of lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken) and plenty of salad / vegetables.[/button]
[button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com” size=”large” color=”green”]GREEN – is for HEALTHY WEIGHT BMI – if you are in this range then you can celebrate having a healthy weight!! Yay! This is a great place to be, and if you have just obtained the healthy weight range it is so important to do a proper refeed and maintainance program so that you can maintain and enjoy living life at this healthy weight. If you want to lose weight in this range then try taking 2-3 new you diet meal replacements per day and 1 healthy evening meal with a few healthy snacks, also make sure you are active and get a good but simple exercise routine going that will be easy for you to follow for the rest of your life. [/button]
[button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com” size=”large” color=”teal”]BLUE – is for UNDERWEIGHT BMI – if you are in this range then you are medically underweight and should not be considering losing any weight at all, if you are in this range and do feel like you want to lose weight, then please do speak to someone and go to your doctor to help you get back into the healthy range xx. [/button]
BMI CHART from The New You Plan…
Please click the image to enlarge! Check the table to see what height and weight you are, and then find out what colour your BMI is, then calculate how much weight you need to lose to get to your healthy target weight, and then put an action plan in place on how you are going to achieve your healthy BMI. If you want to lose weight fast, and with the support and encouragement of the amazing new you community called Secret Slimmers – then place your order today, and we will be delighted to share your journey to a healthy NEW YOU with you! xx

Just for your information…..
your BMI chart box is blank. Anyone else reported same?