Weekly Weigh In’s*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee I will update this post every week so that you can see my weekly weigh in’s on one page! Week 1 – 12 pounds Week 2 – 4  pounds – total 16 pounds lost = 1 stone 2 pounds Week 3 – 3.5 pounds – total 19.5 pounds lost =

Day 10: Hey Honey I’m Home!

  Hey Honey I’m Home!!! Well I am home after my little break in the hotel.  My cold developed into man flu, and I really suffered… 🙁 BUT! I stayed on course, and I am very pleased that I stayed strong in the midst of a horrible cold and in a hotel. “Rar” <- My strength. I just wanted to

What are your 3 Level Goals?

I am sure you are wondering what the heck 3 level goals are…. well let me explain. When you set any type of goal, whether that is a weight loss goal or any other type of goal, it is a great idea to set 3 levels.    This means that you will not feel like a failure if you do

Day 07: Doing the Discipline Dance…

I have a sore throat. I think I have a golf ball growing in my throat actually!! Flip me it hurts  🙁 My husband said do you want me to get you some throaties?  Me: No I cant take them on my diet Him:  How about lockets? Me: No Duhhhhh…. I can’t take anything like that at all on my

Day 05: High five to me on Day five!

If ever there was a day that I could of been tested today was that day. Thankfully I stayed on track and I feel good for it now.  It has built my confidence that I will get to my goal. Two things that can throw people off track in week one, are emotional upset or social gatherings with food. I

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