New You Plan Blog
A True Transformation – Losing Weight & Gaining a New Hip!

A True Transformation – Losing Weight & Gaining a New Hip!

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At 18 stone 8lbs, Rachel was the heaviest she had ever been. Her weight was affecting her mental health, her relationships and her physical health. She had been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, she had high blood pressure and at 38 needed a hip replacement. Rachel was in a terrible place, but having discovered the New You Plan, she took a chance on herself and us.

Read how our Transformation Challenge winner Rachel took charge of her life and turned her health around whilst indulging in New You’s pancakes, peanut bar’s, raspberry wafers and salt and vinegar crisps!  


Before starting the New You Plan, Rachel had struggled with her body image. She hated clothes shopping as she would usually end up in tears. She loathed the way she looked so much that she would avoid having her picture taken, even with her little boy.

Rachel admits that her mental health was suffering along with her relationship with her husband. She was constantly irritable and her mood was always low. Whenever she left the house she thought people were looking at her and judging her.

The tipping point for Rachel was when she was told she needed a hip replacement – at the age of 38. That’s when she knew she had to do something about her weight and turn her life around. 

Like most people, Rachel had tried very-low-calorie diets before but had failed because the limited range had left her feeling deflated and unmotivated. But when she saw a Facebook ad for New You and all of the positive comments below it, she decided to give it a go!

“The product range and the support with the Facebook group [attracted me to New You]. There always seems to be new products to try.”

When Rachel received her first bundle, she wasn’t disappointed! 

“When I tried my first product the rest came easily as they taste great.” 

Rachel admits when she first started on her transformation journey that she was nervous. She has always found it near impossible to lose weight due to her polycystic ovaries. Yet in her first week of embracing the New You Total Plan, she lost 11lbs!

“…this amount is the most I’ve ever lost.”

This spurred Rachel to continue on, along with the news from her surgeon of a new approach to her hip replacement-but only if she lost 2 stone.

Like most, Rachel admits that since starting her journey, there have been challenges. Social events and family gatherings have been tricky but she has always taken her New You products with her to prevent blips. Getting support from the Secret Slimmer’s has also helped her to stay on track during difficult times. 

“…it’s great to see others progress and find answers if you’re having a bad day or have blipped.”

It was entering the weight loss challenge that finally boosted Rachels confidence. It reminded her of how far she had come and what she had achieved. She is now less hard on herself if she has a bad day as she can see the bigger result of her efforts. Now Rachel is more than 4 stone lighter, she now has pictures of herself that she actually likes.

Rachel admits that New You has changed her life, 

“I’m happier and it’s made life with my family so much better!”

In addition, her brother commented that he had never seen her so skinny, she can fit into a size 12 dress and most importantly, her surgery was a success and she is recovering nicely. 

“When I went for my pre-op he [my surgeon] didn’t recognise me.”

Having lost 4 stone 8lb and gained a new hip, Rachel is so proud of what she has achieved. Of course, there have been challenging times but took advantage of the Secrets Slimmer’s community to get her through. All in all her transformation has been a success and is still on the road to continued better health.

We asked her if she had any advice for anyone thinking of trying the New You Plan and she left us with this:

“The support is there for you- concentrate on your own journey and try not to compare it to others as we are all different. It works and you will be so happy once you do! “

All that’s left to say is, well done, Rachel!


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