Your mindset can go from Strength to Strength
Trying to establish new positive habits in your life can be hard. One of the reasons for this is owning limiting beliefs that you weren’t even aware of.
This week, Pascale is helping you to identify the limiting beliefs that could be holding you back from sticking to your new habits. She will help you move on and make your mindset so much stronger.
How do I recognise a limiting belief?
Your limiting beliefs will make themselves known when you decide on a positive change and a ‘but’ pops into your head. A little negative thought drifts into your brain to put doubt in your mind.
When you have those negative and unhelpful thoughts, it’s important to challenge them and ask yourself:
- Is that really true?
- How do I know that is true?
- What evidence do I have?
- Am I convinced?
By asking these questions, and writing down the honest answers you will start believing that you may be able to make those positive changes because your limiting beliefs are just that-beliefs.

Pascale also highlights the importance of visualising the type of person you want to be. Think of how you will be different, how you will see the world and start thinking of yourself as this brand new person.
And finally, why? Why do you want to create change and a new habit in your life? Asking why will drive your desire to install your new habits. Remember, your why is your core motivation, the reason why you are on your transformation journey. If it helps, list all the benefits that will come from achieving your why and what the worst outcome would be if you didn’t.
Overcoming your limited beliefs, visualising your goals and remembering your why will enable you to take action and start your new habit with confidence that you will succeed.
For more in-depth coaching on strengthening your mindset, catch Pascale on the Secret Slimmer’s Facebook group live on Sundays or under the Guides section. Don’t forget you can also download the workbook to help you too.
Make sure you become a priority in your life and make those positive changes today.