Will Lauren fit into her dress on time?
Those of you that follow us on TikTok and Instagram may have noticed our lovely Lauren on our reels, stories and videos. She’s a New You Total Plan veteran and is taking on the Plan again to fit into the most fabulous dress.
Lauren wouldn’t be one of the New You family if she didn’t enjoy a challenge. So throughout November, she is challenging herself to stick with the plan 100% with the goal of fitting into her dress by the 1st of December.
Why are we telling you this?
Because she’s taking us along for the journey!
Throughout November, Lauren will be publishing videos to keep us updated on her highs, lows and how she’s slimming into that dress.
Lauren confesses that it’s been 4 years since she’s shown her bare legs in a dress, partly due to her struggling to come to terms with her post-baby body.
Like many women, after the birth of her child, she resorted to wearing oversized jumpers and men’s t-shirts. She avoided anything that clung too tight to her skin through fear of feeling exposed.
Many of you can probably empathise with the isolation Lauren felt, alone with her toddler, when Covid hit. She turned to food for comfort which then became a crutch for coping with her emotions.

“The weight began piling on. I wouldn’t leave my house, paranoid that people would comment or pass judgement on my weight gain.”
It’s understandable that Laurens emotional eating took a toll on her mental health and affected her relationships. It was the realisation that food was ruining her life, that led Lauren to search for a solution to heal herself.
When Lauren started the New You Total Plan she started to feel like her pre-baby self again.
“It was like being trapped in a cocoon for years and I was coming out the other side.”
After initially losing 2 stone she maintained it for a while before hopping back on the Plan and losing another. The effects of her transformation were bigger than just weight loss alone though.

“My energy, my mood, my menstrual cycle, even my skin began to improve. I didn’t care about the post-baby stretch marks or the loose skin anymore. For the first time in years. I cared about me.”
Lauren admits that she still has a way to go before she hits her target weight, but she has been taking it at her own pace. However, now she feels she needs a bit of a kickstart to get things shifting again and that is why she’s decided to document her progress and fit into her dress. She’s showing up and being accountable!
“I will be able to lift those straps over my shoulders. I won’t shy away from the camera or cover my tummy with my clutch. I will wear that dress with pride after putting my heart and soul into my transformation.”
We’re so excited for Lauren and can’t wait to see how she gets on!
Do you have an outfit that you’d love to fit into ready for December-the party season? If so, how about joining Lauren on her journey with your very own documented transformation? If you post your videos or pics on your Instagram stories and tag the New You Plan, then we will share them onto our stories too!
So make sure you are following us on our social media channels and show Lauren some love and support!
Good luck Lauren, we know you can do it…and so can you dear reader!
“This journey is not completely about weight loss for me, but about learning to love myself again.” Lauren