Take Your Mask Off After Halloween
With Halloween upon us, now is the time to take that mask off and start living the life that you really want!
It’s great fun dressing up, putting on masks and painting our faces, while pretending to be someone different for the day for Halloween. While Halloween is just one day, there are so many of us not being ourselves and putting on a mask everyday!
Being overweight and uncomfortable with your size can dominate your life. Every thought, what you wear, where you go, what you do, how you feel… all centres around your weight.
It is insane how much it can take over your life and make you feel like you are not being yourself, which begs the question: “Are you living the life you really want?”
We only have one life, so it is really important that we don’t let it pass us by, while we are wishing to be happier and healthier in our own skin.
Some people say: “Just be happy the way you are”. While we agree with this to some extent, we don’t agree that we should make being unhealthy OK.
It is important to be happy on your journey to a new you. Happiness won’t be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Happiness is something you create everyday as you move closer to your goal. Build in the healthy habits and mindsets that are the foundation of a healthy, happy you!
There are 2 months left in 2019.
If you feel like you have been spending this year not being yourself, not doing the things you want to do, not wearing the clothes you want to wear, not feeling as good about yourself as you want to, then we challenge you to take off your mask after Halloween. Start making the changes that will help you to turn this around so that you can feel how you want to feel about yourself, your health, and your opportunities in life.
Wouldn’t it be great to end 2019 feeling free to be yourself in 2020?
What would change for you in 2020 if you felt happier and healthier?
On the 1st January you could be wearing clothes 2 sizes smaller. You could feel healthier, feel in control and empowered, feel confident and happy. What would you love to happen in 2020 for you? What would you be free to do?
If your weight is holding you back from being yourself and living the life you truly want and deserve, then make a commitment for the next 2 months of 2019 to give yourself the best Christmas present of all – the gift of being free to be you in 2020.
How much weight could you lose in 2 months?
With our simple meal replacement plan and amazing support community, Secret Slimmers on Facebook you could drop a couple* of jean sizes before the end of 2018.
Getting started is the first step in your journey to a brand New You! To help you understand fully how our plan works, our Get Started page with designed specifically for people new to the plan.
Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
Click here to visit our Get Started page!
*Everyone is different, and we can’t guarantee how much weight you will lose. Check out our success stories to see what our customers have lost.