Take Your Mask Off After Halloween

With Halloween upon us, now is the time to take that mask off and start living the life that you really want! It’s great fun dressing up, putting on masks and painting our faces, while pretending to be someone different for the day for Halloween. While Halloween is just one day, there are so many of us not being ourselves

10 Ways To Get Motivated For Your Autumn Diet

With summer been and gone, it’s time to embark on your autumn diet! Here we share 10 ways to get motivated this season. Let’s face it – dieting at any time of the year is hard, but with colder weather and shorter days, the temptation to hide away and turn our backs on our diet is all too easy. BUT,

Forgive Yourself for Breaking Your Diet*

When we “cheat” on our diet, it can be so easy to “beat” ourselves up and give ourselves a “stern talking too”…. but if you really want to move forward, you need to learn to forgive yourself for breaking your diet, and you need to learn to LOVE YOURSELF. I love this quote…  “And I said to my body. Softly.

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