Weekly Weigh In’s*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee I will update this post every week so that you can see my weekly weigh in’s on one page! Week 1 – 12 pounds Week 2 – 4  pounds – total 16 pounds lost = 1 stone 2 pounds Week 3 – 3.5 pounds – total 19.5 pounds lost =

Who are you comparing yourself to?

I truly believe that the best policy for anyone to have in regards to weight loss, fitness, career, wealth, personal development etc.  Is to always aim to be better than you were yesterday and enjoy every day of your journey. It is great to have role models and people who inspire and motivate you, but when it comes to comparing

Funny Poem about New Year Diets!

T’was the month after Christmas and all through the house, nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The stuffing I’d nibbled, the turkey I’d tasted, the yummies I’d eaten had gone straight to my waist. The wine, the mince pies, the bread and the cheese….. I should have just said, “no thank you, please.” .. . So as I

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