Day 3 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

Woohoo!! We are on Day 3 of The New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge for May! *Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Congratulations on making it to Day 3 – you are on a roll now eh! 🙂 Every day is a MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT.  Take it day at time, and soon it will become easier, and

Pain is Temporary so is Total Food Replacement

Total Food Replacement is a temporary thing to fix an overwhelming problem of being overweight or obese.  If you struggle to lose weight with healthy eating, and total food replacement is a reliable and motivating strategy for you to lose weight, then you can have peace of mind that you will get to your goal. “Pain is temporary.  It may

Forgiveness & Slimness

Why do people put on weight? The number of reasons is endless… from lifestyle choices, depression, stress, boredom, celebration, relationship breakdown, laziness, no willpower, the list goes on, and everyone has their own personal reasons. I am a big fan of Brian Tracy and have read most of his books, and went to see him in Dublin last year.  He

What are your 3 Level Goals?

I am sure you are wondering what the heck 3 level goals are…. well let me explain. When you set any type of goal, whether that is a weight loss goal or any other type of goal, it is a great idea to set 3 levels.    This means that you will not feel like a failure if you do

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