Diet Mindset
Forgiveness & Slimness

Forgiveness & Slimness

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Why do people put on weight?

The number of reasons is endless… from lifestyle choices, depression, stress, boredom, celebration, relationship breakdown, laziness, no willpower, the list goes on, and everyone has their own personal reasons.

I am a big fan of Brian Tracy and have read most of his books, and went to see him in Dublin last year.  He is such an amazing man, and a real inspiration to me, he covers a whole range of topics from business, personal development, time management and relationships.

I am on his email list, and today I received an email from his company to offer a free ebook, which is all about 4 people you must forgive.

As I was reading the ebook I realised that this might be a good help to readers of the new you plan blog, as stressful relationships are a big cause of over eating and losing control over your health and well being.  Sometimes the bitterness to other people can really take over and affect our health.

Another person that really inspires me is Dr Wayne Dyer and a quote from one of his audio’s that always stands out in my mind is,

Forgiveness and weight lossHolding on to anger and resentment is like drinking poison and then expecting someone else to die.

If you are reading this and you can think of someone that you have a lot of built up negative emotions towards, maybe you can think about letting go of those emotions, as they will hinder your weight loss journey and make it difficult for you to maintain.  If everytime you think of someone that angers you, if your natural reaction is to eat to comfort yourself, then you will be in for a long hard battle to be able to maintain.  So do YOURSELF a favour, and forgive that person, let go of the emotions that are holding you back, and increase your chances of living a slim, healthy, happy, vibrant lifestyle as the NEW YOU.

Clear your slate, and start afresh.  Make this year a new start for the new you! 🙂

In the ebook Brain Tracy names the 4 PEOPLE YOU MUST FORGIVE, one of those people is yourself.  You can read the ebook here.  Brian Tracy Ebook

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