Sun, Sea & Slimdown!
Do you have any summer holidays planned? With staycations looking like the popular (and only) option, heading towards the coast would be your best bet for getting in this year’s sun, sea and…slim down!
You should already have a summer slim down plan in place and be working towards keeping yourself on track. If you want a fun tip to help you achieve your weight loss goals, then we recommend you get yourself to the beach for an extra boost!
The Sun
In the UK, we really don’t get enough, so when it finally shows itself, we should get out in it as much as we can. Why? For natural Vitamin D – that’s why!
Vitamin D:
- Boosts immunity.
- Lifts your mood.
- Keeps your bones healthy.
- Is fat-soluble.
What does fat-soluble mean?
There is a widely published study carried out by the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry that found that when you expose your skin to the UV rays of the sun, it changes your cholesterol to vitamin D. It’s all very sciency and more research needs to be done, but early results showed that sunlight helped to shrink fat in the body.
Now, that’s not to say, you should spend all day every day sitting out in the sun because we all know the dangers of skin cancer. The study didn’t mention how long you needed to be outside. So when you do go out there, enjoy yourself but put on plenty of sun cream, take regular shade and be safe.
If you do get to the beach, then make sure you get yourself wet. We know the thought of getting into the cold North Atlantic Ocean or the North Sea might send literal shivers down your spine, but the fact that our sea never really warms up is actually a bonus for your weight loss!
- To keep warm in cold water your body will have to work twice as hard which means burning more calories.
- To keep warm, your heart will pump a lot faster which will increase the rate of your metabolism.

However, just a paddle just won’t cut it
Swimming, if you are able to, will bring increased weight loss, especially coupled with the colder water.
The Benefits of swimming:
- It’s suitable for any age.
- It’s great for any fitness level.
- It’s a whole-body workout.
- Tones muscles for a slender body shape.
- Doesn’t put stress on your body.
- It’s good for people with injuries or disabilities.
- It’s easy on the joints.
- It can help regulate blood sugar.
- It burns calories!
The list goes on! You would get these benefits if you used a public pool too. Swimming really is a good all-rounder for your health, fitness and weight loss.
Even if you don’t have plans to get away this summer, we suggest that you indulge in a little sun, sea and…slim down!
There are plenty of other ways to get out in the sun, go for a walk, visit a local park, do some gardening (if you have a garden-don’t stumble into someone else’s) or even some window shopping at your local high street. Remember your sun cream though!
As for swimming, if you’re not planning on going to the beach, there are always public swimming pools that keep the temperatures plenty cool enough for a refreshing dip on a hot day. If you’ve not got one local to you, see if there is a private one for hire.
Whatever you do this summer, remember your plan, and if you need any other guidance, check out our other blogs, website or Secret Slimmer’s Facebook page.