Our Secret Slimmers’ Top Tips to POW Through The Tough Days
For those days when you just need to give it that little bit extra, here, our Secret Slimmers share their top tips to help you POW! through.
Look in your mirror…know that you’re changing each and everyday… Look forward to no more feeling low or unattractive. Think of the end result; the new you! When it comes to weekends, remember it’s just 2 days. It’s only Saturday and Sunday. Think how you will feel on Monday morning if you have stuck to the plan 100%… FANTASTIC. X – Sharon
My top tips to stay focused on Your New You Journey:
1. Take it one day at a time.
2. Make this your journey for you and you alone.
3. Use Secret Slimmers everyday for amazing support and tips.
4. Water, water, water and then more water. It is one of the most important parts of the Plan. Sip while you shrink.
5. Embrace the changes coming your way. It may be hard some days but fight through them for fantastic results.
6. Have fun on your New You journey.
7. Never compare your journey to anyone else’s. We all have our own journey to do it your way.
8. If you feel a wobble coming on remember why you started in the first place. Revisit your reasons, refocus and carry on.
9. If you need help ask for it, we are all here to help.
10. Use all the tools available from New You to help you. X – Pauline
Dont think about having to be on this diet for months or letting yourself get overwhelmed by how much you’ve to lose. Just take it one day at a time and little goals at a time. I also find on days that I’m a bit wobbly, just give yourself permission to eat an extra bar. Nine times out of ten it takes the urge off and you’ll not bother with it anyway and if I do, sure what harm, I allowed myself it anyway. It puts a stop to the guilt binge cycle. – Alma
What works for me is one pack at lunchtime and 3 packs at tea time with crisps a wee bit later in evening… l like having the three at the same time as I find it’s more filling and doesn’t bother me just drinking till midday the next day – Joyce
For me it’s just to take it one day at a time and ignore whatever anyone else is saying or doing… this is your journey xx – Lucy
Remember all of those things you have put off because you don’t have the energy. Well now’s the time to do them because you will have so much energy that you will annoy everyone around you! Save your packs to at least dinner time so that you are almost fasting in the mornings. Have your Pineapple Boost and remember this is your journey no one else’s. If you want to keep New You to just you then let it be the best secret you have ever kept. It won’t be long before you want to shout it from the rooftops. – Becky
Well I always save my meals and snack until 6pm on Fridays and Saturdays. It doesn’t work for everyone I know but it does for me as that was my bad bad time to eat and eat in the past. I have one meal with hubby when he’s having tea about 6pm, then about 7pm I usually have the pancake with Choc Brownie on top. Then at about 9pm I have a Shake with Crisps and that’s me stuffed and happy. I have the wafers on the Saturday night with my one Coke Zero. During the day and at weekends I have my tea with milk allowance and also drink black coffee and Bullion. The New You Water Flavourings are fab in sparkling water too and very filling. Finally, I walk for miles every day so that takes up a lot of my time! xxx – Gillian
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*Everyone is different, and we can’t guarantee how much weight you will lose. Check out our success stories to see what our customers have lost.