{ Guest Blog Post } Don’t let your Ho, Ho, Ho turn into Oh No, No! – Candida J F Woolcott
Don’t let your Ho, Ho, Ho turn into Oh No, No!
Christmas overeating, a mental and universal dread to dieters and maintainers alike! In my last blog I talked about self-sabotage and the cycle of self-sabotager, so I thought I would follow this by talking about combating overeating at this festive time!
We know from experience that we cannot realistically get through these festive times by willpower alone. We are only too aware of the minefield of parties, scrumptious platters of delicious delicacies and of course family meals and get togethers. Somehow we have a navigate our way through this immense challenge with motivational strategies.
I love Christmas but without sounding bah humbug, why is it socially acceptable to overeat at this time? We can still celebrate the festive period with our friends and family without basing it around large amounts of food and treats. How incredible would 2017 be if we started it off without the Christmas bloat or bulge?
We have all heard the phrases ‘once you start, you can’t stop’ or ‘just one won’t hurt’. Try to acknowledge that you cannot have just one. Once you start doing something, it often takes more self-control to stop that it does to just avoid doing it in the first place; it gets harder to stop the longer the behaviour goes on. So, it’s easier to abstain. Oh dear, I can hear your little hearts sinking, she is the Christmas Angel of Food Doom!! Fear not my little elves. I am no trying to stop you from eating, I am trying to stop you from getting into the self-sabotage downward spiral that will put you back at square one!
So here are my 10 HO HO HO jolly eating festive tips to keep you on the healthy path to a wonderful 2017.
1. We often confuse hunger for thirst – keep your body hydrated.
2. Make sure you get adequate sleep! Lack of rest can skew your appetite and could indeed lead you to the sweetie tin.
3. Bring your own nourishing treats to the event. By having your own healthy options on the table, you won’t be tempted to stray too far from the day’s intentions.
4. Skipping breakfast and lunch so you can enjoy a big dinner is an exceedingly bad idea. Not only will skipping them slow down your metabolism it will also drain your will power just when you need it the most.
5. Keep your portions small. By taking smaller portions you get to have the things you like which in turn, makes you feel less deprived.
6. Eat slowly! It takes around 20 minutes for food to reach our stomachs! If you are in the middle of a conversation put your knife and fork down to allow yourself time for your food to digest! So what if everyone has cleared their plates and are now loosening their zip and belt, take your time and enjoy the taste of your food!
7. ‘Who is ready for seconds?’ Don’t let pushy relatives catch you off guard. Cover your plate with your hands and say no thank you!
8. If you are having alcohol, don’t go mad, empty calories are not the calories you need or require. Try adding soda water to your alcoholic drinks.
9. Get moving! Suggest a walk or a game of twister, something to get you moving and burning those calories.
10. Time to reflect! Do you feel lethargic, does your tummy resemble the stuffed turkey, are you feeling anxious or do you feel satisfied, energetic and happy? Your body will let you know whether or not you made the right choices.
One mindful thing everyone can try when they want to turn down Christmas treats, is to think NO and make a fist with your hand. Making a fist is the action you make when you are refusing something. Making a fist + thinking NO = saying NO to unhealthy food.
So there you have it, if you have the right plan you can manage those naughty little temptations without damaging all your hard work! I really regret eating healthily today said nobody, ever!