{ Customer Q&A} A lot can happen in a year, it could change your life!
Natalies journey is an inspiration to any new or current New You Plan member. Turning her life around and making the decision to add the plan into her lifestyle was a choice she made over a year ago and now she is still reaping the benefits each and everyday.
So how can life be transformed in a year? What changes and most importantly how can you stay focused on the task in hand? We asked Natalie a few quick fire questions to get the answers we all want to know.
1. Is the New You Plan still part of your life 1 year on? A year on, New You is definitely part of my everyday life. I have relaxed a lot now, and will allow myself to eat meals with my family at the weekends. I always know that from the Monday morning I’ll be straight back in plan 100%. Saying that, I am human!! Sometimes I do find it extremely hard getting back into it but with a lot of family and friends to support me I always get there in the end!
2. How has joining New You changed you? Since joining New You I have clearly changed Physically! I can’t deny that! Haha but alongside the physical changes it has definitely made me think more about the way I treat my body. I love the things I can do now, I can run on a treadmill, I can lift weights, I can even do a sit up!! Haha things I never thought possible. I started Karate, I train at least twice a week, sometimes up to 5. I absolutely love it, new friends, new challenges and definitely a new me!
3. Describe your journey 1 year on? I’m still on my journey, I don’t think that will ever end but so far the past year has been one of my greatest achievements. Possibly the only one I never thought I’d actually accomplish! It’s been a hard year, definitely, but I’ve learnt so much. Never, ever give up! If you’ve had a bad day, so what! Pick yourself up, tomorrow is a new one and you can do it! Don’t get hung up on the past, believe in yourself!
4. What would you say to someone thinking about joining New You? Before people start, you can almost read their mind, basically for the fact I’ve been in their shoes. They doubt themselves. After years of failed diet attempts they’re reluctant to believe in themselves. So what I’d say is, please don’t give up, make New you your last shot at a healthy, brighter life for yourself and you family. I say last shot because it’s all you’ll need, nothing will ever come close to New You. It’s full of so many amazing people who will bend over backwards to help you succeed. All you have to do is believe you can.
5. How do you stay focused during Christmas? This Christmas the way I plan on staying focused is by looking back on last year’s pictures and seeing how much I’ve changed! There’s nothing like inspirational pictures to keep you on track! Failing that, I have my mum! Haha she started the plan a few months ago and successfully follows family focus, doing an amazing job! So I’ll have her watching over and helping me get through!
6. Any New Years Resolutions? It’s so corny isn’t it……New Year, New you! You hear it every January! Haha but for me, this year, I don’t want to change! I want to have fun being the new me I have created over the past year! Sticking with my training and getting stronger and healthier everyday!
Natalie story shows us that a big transformation can happen in a year but the key to success is the starting point. 2017 is just around the corner but it doesn’t mean you can’t start now and start seeing results in the last few weeks of 2016? December doesn’t have to be only known for Christmas, it can mark the start of your New You journey. The start of your New Life and you could be that customer success story in 2017. What are you waiting for? Natalie did it so you can too. Believe in what you can achieve and if you believe the dream will come true!