Week 37: My New You Plan TFR Journey

Week 37 on her New You Plan TFR journey, customer Hele faced the obstacle of starting a new job and being on plan. How did she do? Watch this week’s video to find out. This week’s obstacle… This week I faced a whole new situation. I started working full time in an office environment. I was very worried about it

Week 36: Maintaining My Weight Loss

Week 36 of her New You Plan journey, Hele extended her little break from TFR and shares how she has been maintaining her weight loss before getting back on plan. One more week has passed. It seems like time is flying when I’m doing these videos. However, at the same time when I struggle with my diet, it seems that

Countdown to Christmas: ONLY 7 Weeks To Go!

With the countdown to Christmas well & truly on, now is the time to focus on that weight loss goal. Here at New You HQ, we can’t believe it is November already! Where has the time gone?! Halloween is now a distant memory. Christmas decorations are starting to creep onto our streets and the John Lewis ad will be gracing

Week 35: My Weight Loss Journey Updade

Week 35 into her weight loss journey, Hele took a little break from TFR while guests were staying with her. But how did she do? Was she able to instil the new healthy habits she’s learned? Watch this week’s video and find out! How my week went I had originally thought I wouldn’t do a video this week, as I

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