6 Week WOW Summer Transformation Bundle

Are you fed up feeling fat and frumpy? Feel like you’ll NEVER lose weight and being at your ultimate dream size is just that… a dream? The fact is this… thousands of our customers have been in your shoes! They’ve tried every diet under the sun, but have never been able to stick at it or have hit that stage

{CHALLENGE} February Daily Theme!

Can you believe January is already over? It will be Summer before we know it! As you know throughout December and January we launched photo challenge to keep us all focused and on track throughout the month and to bring a little fun to our community. For February we have decided to expand on the idea a little and create

5 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Skip Breakfast

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you feed yourself what your body needs when it needs it, that’s love. So give your bod some TLC and sit down and enjoy a good, substantial breakfast.”      –  Kathy Freston, best selling author “Breakfast: It’s the most important meal of the day!” It’s an expression that’s been

10 Easy Ways To Drink More Water & Feel Fabulous!

Whether you’ve just started your New You Plan journey, or you’re back to lose a few pounds, you’ll know that one of the principals of the plan is to up your water intake to the maximum. While on the plan, we’re always stressing the importance of drinking water and how upping your intake can have a big impact on the amount

#NewYouCookOff Week 4 Winners

It’s been another epic week at New You HQ as the fourth round of our #NewYouCookOff got underway. You would think that maybe after 4 weeks things would die down a little but we have to admit that this week was one of our favourites yet! New You cooks, we are super impressed with this week’s offerings, with delights that would make The

#NewYouCookOff Week 3 Winners

It’s currently Wednesday night which means only one thing… The Great British Bake Off starts in an hour! Obviously it’s a great show and we love it, but it’s not as much fun when you’re on a diet, right?! Wrong!! At The New You Plan, we firmly believe that just because you’re dieting doesn’t mean you should have to miss

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