2016 Secret Slimmer Diaries – ‘Cycle 270 Miles in 4 Days??’ – How the plan helped Christina achieve her goals!
When undergoing a weight loss journey like ours your goals and aspirations may change over time. At the start of your journey completing each week 100% focused will be a goal in itself. As the weeks go on these goals become easier and easier to achieve and you start to think of new goals to work towards.
By having goals in place they act as a push guiding you towards something that is not only just your target weight. Each goal will become harder to achieve but they are there to test you and make sure you are motivated on the task in hand.
Over the next few days we are going to be rewinding the time and looking back over the year at the achievements of some of our lovely Secret slimmers in a new series called ‘The 2016 Secret Slimmer Diaries’. First up we hear from Christina..
Christina has been a loyal customer of the New You Plan from day 1. From being an active presence among our Secret Slimmers community to helping provide help and support as one of our New You Cheerleaders. Christina’s journey has so far came to a total loss of 72lbs and its still going. The plan is working for her so she will continue until she reaches her goal. 2016 was a year that pushed Christina to take on new challenges, lets see how..
How the plan has changed your life in 2016?
The changes in me this year are mind blowing! I have become a positive, confident, fun loving person who is full of enthusiasm and believes anything is possible. I am constantly looking for new challenges that push me outside my comfort zone.
Please tell us about your achievement?
Last year my boss teamed up with the Chairman of the local homeless centre to attempt to cycle from Northampton to our head office in Ieper in Belgium. I offered to help organise a group cycle if they decided to proceed with this way of fund raising for the centre. Long story short, the three of us organised the ride and took 19 riders along with us.
I hadn’t been on a bike for more than 30 years and was terrified! I went to a small specialist bike shop in the village I live and bought a road bike. The lady who owned the shop took me for my first bike ride – I managed 10 miles! I cycled and cycled and cycled as many days as I could. Thankfully being in ketosis I had loads of energy!!!
On the first day of the bike ride I was absolutely terrified. Even though I knew I’d done loads of training, I still did not know how I would complete it.
The riders were split into a fast group and a slow group. I was definitely staying in the slow group and expected to be at the back the entire time. The 270 mile ride was spread over 4 days. Day 1 – 57.5 mile to Cambridge went well. Day 2 – 71 miles to Harwich was much tougher and very hilly, but I made it. I was not the slowest in the group and actually found I was doing well enough to encourage some of the other slower less confident riders. Day 3 – 88 miles through Holland, where I saw the most spectacular view of kite surfers imaginable! We finished day 4 – 47 miles to Ieper through historic war sites such as Flanders Fields, Tyne Cot and Paschendale.
This cycle was a hugely emotional journey for me. It was probably the biggest challenge I have ever attempted. It was both physically and mentally challenging. It would have been so easy to give up but I really wanted to complete it and finish proud. The final fund raised by the 19 of us was a whopping £15,000 and the ride became the second biggest fund raiser for the local homeless centre. We are running it again in July 2017 – a 3 day cycle this time through Kent and France to Belgium and hope to have 40 riders this time. I have been asked to lead one of the groups which feels like a huge honour!
How did the plan help you complete this?
Had I not been on the New You Plan I would never have had the confidence to even try to complete this. When I offered to help, I meant to be in the background sorting the admin, I never intended to actually do the ride. But, as my journey with the plan progressed I started to believe that amazing things happen when you push yourself outside your comfort zone. I was slowly gaining confidence and realising that I could actually do something really worthwhile by raising money for people less fortunate than me. Here I was, in my mid forties, suddenly finding out that anything is possible!
#mchallenge has had a huge impact on my lifestyle and has highlighted the importance of looking after myself and being the best I possibly can be. I am learning every day, and I expect to continue to learn every day. I now go to the gym 4/5 times every week and set a good example for my children. I have a positive outlook, and even when things get tough, I know I will find a way through.
Obviously losing weight has made it easier for me to achieve things physically. I no longer suffer with pains in my joints, I am far more mobile and have no trouble breathing. I no longer run short of breath when climbing the stairs at home, my children and I spend more time outside in the fresh air and I have heaps more energy.
What is next on your achievement list?
So much! I want to decide on a final weight goal and achieve it. I will complete the Cycle Ride again this year obviously and would like to complete some sort of obstacle event. I have learnt to swim this year too so may consider some sort of bike and swim event combined.
I embarked upon a Masters Degree this year so continuing along that route will be a huge achievement. I have recently started mentoring teenage girls from under privileged areas and would like to do more to help inspire the next generation.
Have you created a new goal for 2017?
My goals for 2017 are to sleep more, laugh more, spend more time with my family, walk and exercise more and to create amazing memories. I want to feel as though every day is an adventure and inspire my children to chase after everything they want!
What would you say to someone looking to start the plan in 2017?
Learn to love yourself and believe you can do it. The more you believe the more you will achieve. You will never regret doing something positive, and this plan is absolutely positive. Get involved in Secret Slimmers as much as you can, they know exactly how you feel and there will always be someone there to cheer you on. Don’t be ashamed, and don’t overthink it. Just do it. Action will create results and this plan will give you amazing results.
One final thing, find gratitude. Too often we spend a lot of time chasing things we think will make us happy and fail to acknowledge the amazing things we already have.
Christina’s story is a great example how an invitation to to help with something can become your new goal. She thought she wouldn’t be able to do it but pushed herself to train, took on the challenge and passed the finish line feeling like she could achieve anything. Take inspiration from Christina’s story and adapted it to your own life. What are your 2017 goals? Have you created a plan on how to achieve them? Push yourself to the limit because only you can make your goals a reality.