What Brought You To The New You Plan?
You’ve probably read on one of our previous blog post about how excited we get about #TransformationTuesdays, well we think Wednesdays are pretty special too. To be fair, we get excited about a lot of things here at New You HQ, but that’s only because we love that our customers are changing their lives for the better and feel privileged to have a window into their journeys (not in a ‘call the police’ way, you understand).
Wednesdays on our Secret Slimmer’s Facebook page is known as #WhyWednesday. Why is the reason why you decided to lose weight and turned to the New You Plan to make that happen.
Having a why and it being on a Wednesday is very important because:
- Having a reason to lose weight is a fantastic motivator and driving force to help you succeed and maintain your goals. It doesn’t have to be a deep or complicated reason, but it has to feel real and relevant to you and your life. It’s important that you acknowledge your why so you can tap into the negative emotion it causes you. Doing this enables you to flip those bad feelings around to give you a much-needed boost when you need it. Write down your why, display it if you like. Do whatever works for you.
- Wednesday is slap-bang in the middle of the week. The weekend is far behind you and you can smell a new one is on its way. It is a typical hump day, where you can feel demotivated. Being reminded of the reason why you are on your weight loss journey is very timely mid-week. It can give you a boost on the run-up to the long-awaited weekend.
- ‘Why Wednesday’ is very catchy don’t you think? ‘Why Thursday’ just doesn’t have the same ring to it!
It isn’t compulsory to post on our Secret Slimmer’s page, however, some of our members find it very therapeutic and feel like it holds them accountable to the group. Sharing can be very liberating too. For those members of the community who are just reader’s or hit the emotive buttons, reading others people’s why’s can be very thought-provoking and inspiring.
“A brilliant post – thanks for sharing. I can totally identify with every bit of it! We can do this!”
“Thank you everyone for sharing your whys so far. They are inspiring, and it is nice to know that I am not alone!”
If you’re not a member of the New You Plan’s Secret Slimmer’s page yet and haven’t read what some of our Plan’ers are posting about their why’s, then here are some motivational examples that you might be able to relate to:
“It’s a simple one for me. I use every single excuse for my weight gain, some are valid and some are definitely not. I just want to feel good again, not spend every day in pain and not dread having to leave the house because every single item of clothing I own looks and feels hideous. I want to feel attractive, enjoy buying clothes like I used to and be more active.”
“I hate looking at these photos because of how I look. My other brother is getting married next year and I’m determined not to have another set of family wedding photos I’m ashamed to display!”
“I had been through a very bad break-up that knocked my confidence. I turned to comfort eating. Every blip that piles on the pounds I shoved in my gob. It got to the stage that I was eating just for the sake of it. Then life has a way of smacking you in the face with bereavements, family and work troubles. Just over 2 years later I had gone from a 14 stone muscle man to a 19 stone obese man.”

Reading people’s whys really highlights how vulnerable being overweight can make you feel. Also, the fact that these vulnerabilities are being shared with the community just shows how important the Secret Slimmer’s page is as a tool for support. It really is a safe space where our members feel they will never be judged and will always be helped and understood.
The sad fact is that losing weight can often feel like a lonely road. You can feel like you are the only one who feels the way you do. It’s very emotional. If you’re not yet making use of our Facebook community because you feel you’re the only one with a why like yours and that maybe others can’t sympathise, then here are some more that we found that may put your mind at rest:
More Whys
- To increase fertility to start a family.
- Previous photo shame.
- A special life event, like a wedding.
- To feel comfortable in your own skin.
- To like what you see in the mirror.
- To enjoy playing with your children.
- To improve or avoid specific health issues like diabetes.
- To gain more confidence.
- To feel in control of your life.
- To set a good example for your children.
- To increase your fitness.
This list really isn’t exhaustive by any means. You will find that whatever your why, our Secret Slimmers Facebook community will welcome you with open arms and give you all the support you need in becoming the fantastic, more healthier, New You.