![[Video] The New You Plan Thought For Thursday [Video] The New You Plan Thought For Thursday](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/28-11.jpg)
[Video] The New You Plan Thought For Thursday
Thought For Thursday
Either you run the day or the day runs you
When I did the TFR diet with The New You Plan the element of the process that was the tipping point for success was being able to keep the diet out of the destructive path of a bad day. I told myself that the diet was something that I was doing for myself and no amount of external intervention or pressure was going to impact this process.
It was almost like creating a barrier in my mind for this one element of my life that was completely unaffected by external forces. This was the place where I had complete control!!! The reason I believe this worked for me is because as a person with responsibilities to others we often have to give to the point where our own needs are sacrificed – by putting a label on just one thing (the diet) and calling it my one need I was able to justify any sacrifice necessary to achieve this.
This is something that I want to pick up with you today. Today’s task is going to be that key element that allows you to succeed and get that one goal that means more than any other to you. It is going to give you the ability to turn down the food at the Christmas dinner, avoid the drinks at the party afterwards and will ensure you remain focused under the pressure of the holiday planning period!!
Todays Task:Â
As I had hinted above what I really hope to achieve today is finding out that one thing that makes it possible for you to keep steaming ahead. It does not matter if this tip is an action that you perform to bring you back on track or a mindset tip that keeps you grounded. It is that one thing that lets you RUN THE DAY!!!
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See you tomorrow 🙂
Kind regards
My thought for Thursday is to keep focused and thinking about the Christmas holidays and keeping in the front of my mind on how I will feel lighter healthier and fashionable and happier compared to last year x
This is so important Rachael keep it up 🙂 every day brings you new opportunity!
Love…love…love this blog….YES your right….this is the FIRST time in my life that I have ALLOWED myself to be important. My health was getting so bad and life so miserable. I had to do something. I will be ever grateful to NY and the wonderful friends I have made on here, for being on this journey with me. Some are nearly at goal….and I am delighted for them, but a wee bit sad as I have still a long way to go…..but ….the journey is well 2/3rd done….so GO ME….Can’t wait to see my babies faces when they see their mummy/nana getting back to her old self….<3 <3 <3 😀
Thanks Anne 🙂 I am glad to hear you gained so much from today I am sure your babies are going to be so proud!
My thought for Thursday is To remember that when you appear to have no control in your life that you still control what goes in your month…
So true Liz 🙂
What I do to keep me focused is to write down my goals and keep them with me my first goal is to be a size 14 for my graduation in July and I remind myself of this everyday that all these things are for ME and if I always keep this in the forefront of my mind, it helps me through the bad times.
Woohoo Devinia, I have seen how determined and committed you are over the past couple of weeks. You are going to blitz this and I am sure you are going to knock em’ flat at your graduation!!! 🙂
I keep focused by remembering my goal is hopefully not to far away 🙂 This plan is My Journey & I refuse to let anyone or anything stop me !! Boom 🙂
Go ME !!
BOOM it is Oonagh!!! Well done we are all so proud of you 🙂
Keeping my eyes focused on the weight loss and ignoring everything around me which is tempting with 3 children around.
Keep the focus Tara, being able to channel the energy you use to ponder the negative and allocating it to the positive is a far more useful way of pooling this resource 🙂
What keeps me focused is that it’s the first time I’ve done something for ME and I haven’t for years!! Im being selfish and focusing on me and how I feel! And I know if I don’t do it, it’s only me who is going to be disappointed!!! That keeps me going every day, I’m ready for living my life again xx thanks new you xx
Woohoo Kathleen with this mindset you are really going to blitz this 🙂
Control and willpower is key. Tea is the key when you feel any bit nervous tht you will blip then have tea to fill you up. My idea of staying away from that is telling everyone I’m off the drink to save for a nice present for myself 🙂 x
So true Orla 🙂 keep going!
To keep me on the straight and narrow I remind myself every morning why I’m doing this…for my health and my confidence .
How far you have come already Mags 🙂
What i do is think about the lowest you have ever felt in your life and just focus on the strength you needed to drag yourself back up to the best that you ever felt!
The best you have ever felt is a good place to be Susan 🙂
It’s so important to keep a picture in your mind of how you will look when you achieve your mini or ultimate goal, this alone with the goal dress/outfit is a huge visual way of keeping focused.. Xx
This is such a good way to keep moving forward 🙂
My 11yr old daughter is my New You coach, she keeps me focused and encourages me to keep with the diet even when my mind is telling me different.
She checks in daily to see how I am feeling and how my day has been on the plan, I am so glad she is seeing that when you focus on something it can be achieved 🙂
This is great Shell, it is just about having the right pressure in the right place!
Here I am down below Grant!!!! Love love love this video best one so far! Grant you are hilarious x
What keeps me focused is that I am only 6lbs away from goal! Nothing is going to ruin that or keep me away from reaching that target!
I have been driven for quite a large part of my NY journey but nothing as driven as I am now- I’m like an animal! Doing whatever it takes to get that goal by my birthday would be the best present ever! 5th December is the day I have to be 10 stone x wish me luck
Thanks Kate – as always an epic performance leaves little left to say well done Kate 🙂
I am doing this for ME and I am NOT going to lose this battle again! Putting food in to my mouth is not a way to deal with life! Determined to succeed keeps me on track each day 🙂 xx
Knowing what is really important is half the battle Aimee 🙂
what keeps me focused is my partner telling me how proud he is of me for sticky to it and droping them pounds.
Keep it Lisa, we are just as proud 🙂
What keeps me focused is the feeling i get every morning knowing that each day im i little bit lighter,healthier and a step towards my size 14 jeans.I know this weight will; never go back on.
Woohoo Mandy love the energy and positive focus here 🙂
I am now a size 16!!!!!. Yes yes yes. I am now focused on being a size 12-14 by EASTER 2014. The NEW YOU ( NEW ME) ROCKS!! good luck with your weight loss everyone. We can do it
Fantastic Jay – your goals are really just waiting for you to take them 🙂
my focus is me after raising two teenager by myself for 8 years it time to do something for me i deserve this x
By allowing yourself something to bring you forward makes you a person who can offer more to others in turn Pauline 🙂
What keeps me focused is knowing this diet DOES actually work. Many other diets don’t but you do see weight loss every week with NY plan if you follow the rules 🙂
Simple but true Sandra 🙂
Keeping me focused………… I am the lighted I have ever been, I am fitter then I have been in a long time, I’m excited for Christmas and meeting people to see me looking well! Most importantly it’s almost 2014 and I am going to be starting the year amazed with myself my confidance is higher, I have my new role my two beautiful children a loving husband and I love myself now ……..all part of the plan before I turn 30 and I’m just about there! 7 pounds off goal 🙂
Well done Kelly, woohoo having time limits for goals and being specific is so so important 🙂
I need to focus on prioritising me and not just leeting my needs be last!!
You will find the balance that best suits all needs Dee 🙂
This is the first time I have done something for me . I’m that person who cannot say No to anyone , I am learning to say & think no to others as I now come first . These thoughts keep me focused xx
This has really shown Barbara – well done 🙂
The scales keep me motivated. I weigh everyday. If I’m down it makes me want to stick to plan. If I’m not down,, or even worse if I’m up, it motivates me to get off my backside and try harder, and makes me stick to plan as well!!!!!!!!
Woohoo Fiona, you really have done so well, keep it going!!
The key element that allows me to succeed is selfishness!! For the few months that I am doing this plan I have to be a little bit selfish to those closest to me. This means restricting certain foods that can come in the house, going to a different playgroup with my 2 little ones (as my old one used to serve up home made cake every week!!), saying no to meeting up with the girls if the venue is somewhere I might blip, sending my partner off on his own if he fancies fast food when we are out, etc. Its only for a short while and I’m hopefully forming new habits for when I start maintaining when I reach my goal weight 🙂 x
As I said earlier being able to put a time limit on this makes such a difference – Smash it Clare 🙂
I’m focussing on the end aim, to be ok to get on a long flight. For that I need to be slimmer and hopefully this will get rid or at least lessen the problems with my knees.
So I’m focussing on getting to goal for the summer and then proving to myself I can maintain for the rest of the year.
Sydney here I come 🙂
One of my mentors once said to me keep the end in mind – it is like a sniper focusing on the target beyond the sights… hit the mark Alison 🙂
Ahhh just had my new fix of the day.. it was watching the lovely ellie and grant again.. 😉
Organisation rules my day keeps me super focused on the plan..
I cant go to bed @ nyt unless im organised and ready 2 kick strt my day with all my products packed everything from flavored water 2 shakes, & bars..
But most importantly my first fix of the day is logging in2 newyou ss in the morning 2 hear another person jumping 4 joy because theyve had another gr8 weight loss!!!
This is all I need 2 spur me on and get me threw my days frm now till xmas..
Totally addicted. .defo gonna have serious withdrawals when I reach my goal!! Lol
had a word in santas ear 2 bring me a few extra mobile phone chargers 2 plug in round the house an car as never off my mobile since I found ny and the awesome ss group!!
hope hes good 2 me cause ive been extra good..lol
love 2 all xx 😉
This was great Denise, I am sure Santa will be kind 😉
What keeps me driven is mainly the fellow slimmers on the group. Also now that I am almost close to goal I feel my competitive edge driving me to try to get to target quicker than others! Also having an outfit in mind to wear for xmas is helping me as it will sooooo not look good with weight on lol 😉
You have smashed this since the start Lorna and congrats again on the awesome results in the exams 🙂
Thinking of how im going to feel at the end of the week helps me get trough each day.Thinking of how I feel when I blip also keeps me focused when im having a bad day so I dont let it run my good week just because im having a bad day.
This is a powerful motivator Amanda – it has most certainly worked for you!
My mini goal is in sight it’s the first thing I think about when I wake I think about while I’m walking and the last thing I think to myself before I go to bed this keeps me in check for the day ahead I remind myself how great I’ve felt all day and how close I am to making my dream come true.. That keeps me focused of course my little man keeps me focused too.. Happy mum means happy boy x
Loved this Shauna, you have a great reason to succeed 🙂
My twice a week weigh in’s keep me motivated. I did this plan a few months ago & failed spectacularly, but! That was a good thing because I realized the only person I was fooling was me. The only person I was breaking a promise to was me and the only person who I constantly diss appointed was me. So this time I wasn’t going to let me get in the way of me.. If that makes sense?? Now I weigh in twice a week & if I find myself having a bad day or wanting to have something I shouldn’t I remind myself of the disappointment I felt the last time & how wonderful it feels every few days to see less & less of ‘me’
Promises to yourself are the most important ones as they are the ones that keep self belief!
My thought for Thursday is to keep focused keep 4 products a day making sure I pack for work & keep up my water in take x
Sometimes keeping an eye on the details is really the best way to achieve the big picture goal 🙂 Glad you found your groove Wendy 🙂
my thought it to keep focused. food will not make me less stressed or more happy. it wont help me fit into all my unworn clothes. this christmas i have purposly organised 3 nights out- excluding new years as well and a work reunion in march to keep me ultra focused. i dont wnat to live in tracksuit bottoms during my christmas holidays. i want to be able to wear my jeans again!!
Positive pressure Paula 🙂 Keep it up.
This is a journey for me.. The first thing in a long time for just me, so new journey and new me ! I will get there, no matter what just keep focused on that.
Love it Margo – keep us posted 🙂
To keep focused – I remember what I have lost and that when I get dressed my clothes are looser. I think for me its the first time I have done something that is for me, and its only a small thing I’m doing but making such a huge effect on my happiness.
Super Jo, this really is for you and it will have so many other positive effects 🙂
What keeps me focused is my before picture up on my wardrobe – that way I see what I was like and where I never want to go back to. It’s hard sometimes but I say to myself that I need to sacrifice some things for a period of time to get where I want to be. It took me years and years to put the weight on so losing it will not happen overnight – stick with it 100% and I will see results. 🙂
The right motivator is the best one Brenda – keep going and there will be even bigger changes to hold on to 🙂
I kept in control by focusing on the new tops in my wardrobe that I want to be wearing for Christmas.
Woohoo Audrey you are going to rock the tops 🙂 Thanks for the support 🙂
I keep telling myself over and over again “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.
I’m doing this for my health and for the benefit of my family , so I can join in with whatever they are doing without being tired and breathless…….. This keeps me going , as every day I feel a little better with less aches and pains … Thank u New you
I like ….NO ,, …..I LOVE THE NEW ME 🙂
It’s my time , my turn to shine
To smile at the world
A lot of stress and illness with my daughter at the moment ,
Breaking my heart , but I have to be strong