![[Video] The New You Plan Team Tips Tuesday – Water!!! [Video] The New You Plan Team Tips Tuesday – Water!!!](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/26-11.jpg)
[Video] The New You Plan Team Tips Tuesday – Water!!!
Team Tips Tuesday: It is all about the water!!!
Welcome to Team Tips Tuesday here at The New You Plan!!! I have been really looking forward to today’s blog as we delve into the reasons why water is so important to maintain your weight loss goals!! Water is an all important feature in this plan. A hydrated body performs best. Water allows your body to maximise all important functions.
Things such as digestion, removal of toxins and muscle performance are to name only a few of the bodily functions that are affected by your body being properly hydrated. I often find that being properly hydrated gives a sensation of being full and curbs hunger pangs which is quite important when tackling ketosis in the early stages of The New You Plan diet.
We recommend drinking between 2 and 4 litres of water a day and it is really important to space this out as drinking too much at once can be dangerous.
Part 2!!!
We are headed into the second part of the Countdown to Christmas Cracker Challenge. All of us here at The New You Plan are so proud of all our customers for the amazing effort that has been put in by you on this. I am so proud I thought it would be great to share the latest update of the the leaderboard.
Today’s Task:
Please share just one tip that you have to ensure that you stay on track with your daily water allowance.
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See you tomorrow 🙂
Kind regards
Always have a litre bottle with u!! I am never without it and drink throughout day!! Also use water flavourings makes it soo much easier xx
We love the water flavourings too Kathleen 🙂 This is what Ellie does.
Ever since I have been drinking the water my skit is so much softer and brighter ,also ist great for hunger pangs.and boosts your immune system ,so keep drinking xx
Glad you found this out Mandy we often get this feedback 🙂
Well done all SS keep up all the good work.
Thanks for the reminders to drink the water – its hard this time of year when it’s colddd outside.
I have been skirting around the edges and not really committing to the New You process. I love the porridge so usually get off to a good start but don’t continue later on. But receiving the book drop a jean size in my hands has reinforced my will to committ to this process So thank you NY Team for including this useful book in my last delivery There is still time to get results befor Christmas and not wait.
So here we go
Good luck Bernie – you are going to blitz this!!!
To keep on track with my water intake I use an app on my iPhone called drink-o-Matic it is great for me as I can log in how much I want to drink each day and every time I have a drink I log it on the app and it shows you how much percentage wise you have had in terms of your target. It really motivates me to get drinking as it sends you reminders to do so and every time you have you get a little motivational message. This is absolutely great for me to keep track and to feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when it says 100% or over as my target is 4 but now I try and smash that by having 5 litres a day.
This is really interesting Devinia – have to look this one up 🙂
I make sure I have 1 litre of water drank by the time I have my next product. So when I wake up at 7am I start sipping and by the time I have my first product I have 1 litre done. I then start my next litre and finish that by the time I have my next product and so on… I’m so used to it now it’s become second nature to me 🙂
Great tip Clare :)this would really work a treat!
I make up my water bottles in the morning, one in the car, one upstairs and downstairs and one in my hand… It’s easy to remember if the water is already made up and to hand where u need it.. I’m in day 2 and it’s a challenge to drunk so much but I’m loving it so far
It will get easier Louise – keep it up 🙂
I use a 11/2 ltr bottle . On work days I start drinking it at 6.30am I sip until I finish work at 1ish. I try to do 3 litres before I finish work . And I dink the last litre before 6 if I leave it any longer I would be up to many times during the night . Also if at home and go onto SS site I bring a bottle with me & drink it then
Well thought out plans make all the difference Barbara! Keep it going 🙂
I always have a litre and a half bottle beside me…I sip sip sip…during the night and drink at least 3 a day….and thats NOT including my tea …sometimes I add water flavorings to the night time bottle….Yours skin improves, your eyes sparkle….even when on Refeed I kept the water up…I’ve got I MISS it if I don’t drink my daily quota.
Just the ticket to get it done Anne 🙂
I went out and brought 3 x 600ml water bottle, only a £1 each. I have one at work 2 at home. I don’t go anywhere without one. I sip all day long, fill them up all of the time. If I have trouble filling them like sat when I went shopping I soon know as my mouth goes dry and headache starts.
Glad you found this works for you Wendy – Keep blasting ahead 🙂 your body has definitely started talking to you here!
i use a three litre bottle and a two litre bottle that i refill every morning and just drink throughout the day once they are empty i know ive done my quota x
This is a great way of tracking your progress Pauline 🙂
A COFFEE MACHINE !! Yes this is what I purchased a few weeks ago to help me along with my water allowance. It means I continually have warm coffee in a jug ready to pour and ready to drink !! I don’t even have to think about it – a mug full is about 350ml and by the end of the day I’ve had about 7-8 cups of coffee alone 😉
WOW Lorna – all i can say is you must bounce off every hard surface like a rocket!!
I always try and have 2 litres before I start my products then coffee and a large glass of water with each product so I am topped up during rest of day with water
Great to hear this Rachael – its all about finding the ‘fit’ for you 🙂
i have a 1.5 ltr cooler mug that i got from usa 3 of them and im done lol.
That is one big mug 🙂 awesome Lisa
The kids fill 4 one litre bottles with water every night and take it in turns to do water flavouring!!! Also I’d it’s anyway cold I have pints of hot flavoured water!! Get 4-5 litres in daily
Sounds like fun Dee 🙂 and the exact bottles make it easy to gauge success!
I carry a 1ltre bottle with me at all times,and the waterflavouring is a god send x
Perfect Joy 🙂 I am finding this to be a common element – glad to hear you love the flavourings so much.
I buy 12 2 litre bottles a week so every evening I have them finished ready to replace with 2 more bottles I have one just water and have 2 1 litres with a flavouring 🙂
Awesome Shauna, this will definitely keep you on track 🙂
I love Water so dont have a problem getting my 4ltrs a day. But my tips are that I bring a 750ml bottle everywhere. Before bed i fill my bottle and bring it up stairs with me so i can drink it 1st thing in the morning before i get outta bed.
I think its a mind thing but i find 750mls easier than drinking a 1ltr bottle.
I then have my cup of coffee and thats my 1st Ltr done. Then i can start my TRF Day!!
1st Shake at 8.30, then before i can have another product i need to have drank another 750 mls. So i sip sip sip through Work till Lunchtime arrives and after Lunch i drink another 750mls then its home time and ive drank nearly 3ltrs. So between tea’s and Coffees and sips of water watching tv after Dinner i easily get my 4ltrs in. Space it out and try to enjoy it… i know its annoying having so much Toilet time, but just think of all those toxins and fat your flushing out!! 🙂
I completely agree Aisha about it being a mind thing – structure like this is important for this reason 🙂 Thanks for the support.
I use a 1 litre bottle and 4!hair bobbins. Every time I finish a litre I put a bobbin around the bottle so I can keep track of how many litres I’ve drank.
Also, using room temperature water and the yummy New You flavourings has always made it much easier to get the water down.
Woohoo another person who suggests room temp water as a tip 🙂 I am the same Suzy – also a great tip about the bobbins!
If there are days that you really cannot stomach plain water, just make up flavoured water with the flavourings – it’s yummy and keeps things interesting 🙂
The flavourings are super yummy Sandra 🙂
I always start my morning with a pint of water, first thing i do when i wake is drink that first pint! Helps curb the hunger you have first thing! Also try to drink a pint before each meal as you eat slower and feel fuller! Once you get into the routine of drinking it you actually miss it if you dont have it!
This is a tip so many dietitians use Sarah, great tip 🙂
Love my water sparkling with yummy water flavourings . I have to plan strategic pee stops as I’m a community midwife !! Ha ha, but always manage at least 3-4 litres per day .
Loved the comment Jasmin 🙂 they really are a treat when you use sparkling water!
I always have a bottle ready first thing in the morning, then I have peppermint tea, normal tea broth trough out the morning and lunch, then I go to lunch another litre and then evening another litre!!! Always have a bottle and have to finish one before lunch, one after before I go home and one in the evening!!
Very elaborate plans to keep you on track Kelly – keep it up 🙂
I have a pint of water flavouring each morning, then a green tea. I take a 2L bottle water to work and drink throughout the day also having more green tea which the cup is about 500ml capacity lol. Then I get home and have to have 1-2L in the evening plus green tea. I have to drink loads cus I wake some nights rolling about the bed with screaming cramp in my right calf so I gotta keep hydrated to keep it at bay, so approx 6L total is what I have each day, any more a bonus, it also keeps me regular aswell x
Careful planning is the key to success Tammi and you are really getting it right here!
I record all fluid intake, otherwise I would lose track. If I haven’t reached at least 4 litres by 10pm I down another half to one litre before bed. I normally have between 5 to 6 litres of fluid everyday.
This is great Mags – not sure I could do the water before bed 😉 Keep it up!
I keep a bottle of water on my desk and in my car so it is always in easy reach 🙂
Strategic placement Sarah 🙂 love it!
I will pour out a ltr of water and drink half before & half after each product. 4 product, 4 ltr.. I am loving the raspberry flavoring too so several cups of hot raspberry a day helps too.
Awesome Alva – i am finding this to be a tried and tested tip by many of our customers 🙂
I keep 1 litre bottle with me and one in the fridge to keep cool and I always add water flavouring as I find this helps me to drink 3 litres and the other litre is coffee!!!!!
Coffee!!! – well done Shell this has proven to be successful for you – keep it up 🙂
Make sure you get water flavourings these help, I only have shakes so I make these with 500mls of water this also helps towards the water intake x I have 500mls at a time of either tea or broth and if I’m out and about I have a 1 litre bottle with me x
Writing it down in a diary helps keep track also x
Good luck
Awesome Kate – you are really doing so well, keep it up and thanks for the support 🙂
I fill 5 X 750ml bottles with water each morning . I am slow to start but manage 4 litres by the evening 🙂
Really helps to keep track Oonagh 🙂
Another fab video love the jumpers ure both defo in the Christmas spirit.. Ellie looked so cozy in the ny scarf!!
I take a litre bottle of water 2 bed plus a pint glass.. Every nyt.. So if I’m up for a Wee I drink some from the pint.. When I wake I get stuk ryt in drinking the min I open my eyes .. Helps me stop jumping on those scales every day!! Pint and litre empty by tym I’m fully dressed..
Nuther pint poured straight away dwn stairs while getting kids organised.. Get my vitamins in me.. 2 more litres ready for threw out the day car journeys or on way home wen I no I’ll soon b near a toilet lol.. Extra water in my shakes during the day helps too. If having a hot meal in evening add I extra water plus chilli flakes and blk pepper adds tht extra kick.. Have no probs downing a litre then.. Lol and last litre spipped rest of nyt.. Quota drank b4 u even realise.. Be totally lost without the flavoring tho.. Love it will never drink plain water again.. Xxx 😉
Thanks for the great tips here Denise 🙂
i always have 500ml before i have my porridge and cup of tea at breckfast time.i have a 6.30 start and drink the water while i get ready and it really helps with filling me up first thing. couple with the porridge and then tea im stuffed
I used to do something similar – having a daily plan for your water makes such a difference Paula 🙂
I keep a tracker in the kitchen and tick off each quantity as I prepare it, I have a column for 200ml, 250ml and 500ml. It’s easy to track all drinks hot and cold. I struggle with drinking plain water so I enclude all my drinks throughout the day. I drink less after 6pm as I don’t want to up throughout the night.
Very methodical and dedicated Liz 🙂 Keep it up it is so worth the extra effort!
I carry a water bottle round with me, everywhere! I have plain water first thing and then use the water flavourings- they are a god send 🙂 xx
Fantastic Aimee – keep it up and it will really pay off!
All I drink is plain boiled water these days bought a mug that holds halve a litre so I just keep track of how maby mugs iv had.
Having the ability to track your progress like this is a really key point Amanda – I love good old plain water myself 🙂
A cup of hot water on waking up.
A pint of water with my porridge in a morning.
I make up two sports bottles for work with different ‘new you’ flavoured ice water.
I have a cup hot water when my work mates are having a brew x2
and on a night I have ice sparkling water and the pink lemonade … Rock and roll
Sparkling water with ice is nice!
Fantastic ideas Katy 🙂 keep it up the water allowance is such a big part of this plan.
Ok if your in college, I buy a 1L or 500 ml water bottle & fill it between every class. I try to aim all my water allowance through green tea because it’s so healthy for you. Always have a water bottle on you or if u can’t get to a water fountain then buy a 2L bottle of water 🙂 no excuses, if u want it, if u determined, u will get results. 🙂 no other substitute for hard work
So true Orla, this is one of those things that at the end of the day we have to make our own minds up to get on with the job and stay super focused 🙂
I have 1ltr & 750ltr bottles all over the place at home and in work. I also have a filter water jug. Soft water is easier to drink.
Those jugs are great Linda – for me its just about getting the house mates to fill them up again when they are done!! Keep it up 🙂
I drink 2 -3litres during the day from a 2l bottle. Then I have another 2l sparkling in the evening.
Having a vessel of an exact size really plays into the success of you water intake. It helps keep you accountable to yourself!
As soon as I get up in the morning, I gulp 500ml and it fills me (meaning I can hold off for an hour or two on my porridge). As soon as I get to work, I fill my 1L bottle and try to have 2 of those drank by lunch (usually peeing like a lunatic then so I slow down). As soon as I come home from work, I fill my 2L bottle of water (with flavouring) and sup on that all evening…boom!
Boom Siobhan 🙂 keep it up!!
I keep a track of how many I having from my shaker – and have also become very good at taking prepared bottles with me – so I’m not drinking too much in the evenings.
Finding your groove here is vital Jo – well done keep it up 🙂
I do struggle to drink enough water.
So I am using water flavourings and sparkling water to help cos that to me is more like having a drink rather than sipping water all the time!
I’ve followed the tip of having room temperature water rather than cold, it’s much easier to drink.
I can’t drink too much plain water in one go as it gives me acid reflux 🙁
So long as you are getting there Alison this is all that matters 🙂 keep it up and keep going!
I make up six 500mil bottles with different flavours every morning and take them in the car. I drink 2 I. The car on the way to college and try to drink at least 1 per lecture. I also have coffee in between classes sometimes. I try to make sure all bottles are empty when I get home. With my coffee in the morning at home that makes about 4 or more every day.