This Is Me

“This Is Me” is definitely the anthem in our online Secret Slimmers community at the minute. Here, we share why our customers are stepping out of the shadows and sharing their stories. We don’t know if you’ve noticed but there’s a bit of a new vibe on Secret Slimmers. More and more of our lovely tribe are being seen. Photos,

The Real Reason Why You Will Break Your Diet

Here, we discuss self-care, self-comfort and self-indulgence so that you can determine why you break your diet. Let’s cut to the chase. No matter how determined you are at some point you are going to come off plan or break your diet. This might be a planned break but more often it will be because you are seeking comfort. Whether

4 life-changing reasons to lose weight

Here, we share 4 life-changing reasons to lose weight that you probably haven’t considered before. Losing weight is always seen as a drop in numbers on the scales or in a dress size, but have you ever considered the true impact of weight loss? What difference it will make to your life? Even a small reduction in weight can have

Why You Need To Stop Associating Your Worth With Your Weight

In a world where we’re constantly exposed to everyone else’s successes (physical, professional and sentimental) on social media, it’s easy to feel like we’re falling short on something, like we’re not good enough. And when you associate your worth with your weight those feelings of low self-esteem are magnified even further. To get over this feeling, you might go to

3 Easy Steps To Create Limitless Self-Belief

They say you have to see it to believe it but, when it comes to your New You journey sometimes, we have to believe it first in order to see the results. When you decided to commit to be a healthier, happy version of you and invested in yourself by starting your New You journey, you might have made a

10 Ways To Get Motivated For Your Autumn Diet

With summer been and gone, it’s time to embark on your autumn diet! Here we share 10 ways to get motivated this season. Let’s face it – dieting at any time of the year is hard, but with colder weather and shorter days, the temptation to hide away and turn our backs on our diet is all too easy. BUT,

Forgive Yourself for Breaking Your Diet*

When we “cheat” on our diet, it can be so easy to “beat” ourselves up and give ourselves a “stern talking too”…. but if you really want to move forward, you need to learn to forgive yourself for breaking your diet, and you need to learn to LOVE YOURSELF. I love this quote…  “And I said to my body. Softly.

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