6 Ways To Be Happier In 2020

New year, new you? While we’re all keen to become a better version of ourselves, what this really boils down to is that we strive to be happier. Make yourself and your happiness a priority this year with our 6 ways to be happier in 2020! Ahhhh happiness… such a simple request from life, and probably something we all wish

Take Your Mask Off After Halloween

With Halloween upon us, now is the time to take that mask off and start living the life that you really want! It’s great fun dressing up, putting on masks and painting our faces, while pretending to be someone different for the day for Halloween. While Halloween is just one day, there are so many of us not being ourselves

2019 Has Not Finished With You Yet

It’s that time of the year again. Halloween and Christmas season are quickly approaching, coupled with everything else you set as goals to have a great 2019. With just over two months left, now is a great time to take stock of where you are with your weight loss goals and make whatever adjustments are necessary to end the year

Beware the Compare

Here, we discuss why “Comparison is the thief of joy and 4 easy steps to stop comparison for good. Beware the compare today! Picture the scene: You have just completed a full week on the New You Total Food Replacement (TFR) plan. (Yas!) You drank the water; made the packs and you are about to jump on the scales for

Why Stress Is Ruining Your Weight Loss Goals

Hands up who eats when they are stressed? Cue a Mexican wave of hands. Stress it seems is the biggest, baddest saboteur when it comes to your weight loss goals. At New You HQ we recognise that there are many reasons why our customers have gained weight. Perhaps they are on medication which increases appetite, or they are going through

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