Michelle shares her 50lbs weight loss

“My breathing was bad and I was always tired. Now my breathing has improved, I can walk better, my arthritis is better, my skin is better and I actually sleep a lot better!” How much have you lost and how long did it take you? So in total, I have lost 3st8lb so far and I started at 16st10lb. I

Michelle Lost 44lbs & Has Never Been Happier

Exhausted and unable to enjoy running around with the kids, Michelle decided it was time for change. That’s when she discovered the New You Plan, lost 44lbs and hasn’t looked back.   Proud of her achievement to date, Michelle having lost 44lbs decided she wanted to share her success story with others in the hope to inspire more people to

How Eilish Lost 5 Stone & Got A Medal!

New You Planner, Eilish lost 5 stone 7lbs with the New You Plan and along the way it motivated her to do things she’d never thought possible. Eilish, feeling exhausted with poor mobility, knew that her life had to change. She had tried all the diets and failed. After finding the New You Plan, she lost 5 stone and then

How Courtney Stuck To The Plan And Lost Over 6 Stone.

Hospital worker Courtney was unrecognisable to some of her colleagues after she lost over 6 stone. Within her working environment, it could be a while between talking to colleagues in the large hospital, so much so that Courtney would have given Clarke Kent a run for his money when it came to disguises! Having lost over 6 stone Courtney, was

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