Before & Afters

How Eilish Lost 5 Stone & Got A Medal!
New You Planner, Eilish lost 5 stone 7lbs with the New You Plan and along the way it motivated her to do things she’d never thought possible.
Eilish, feeling exhausted with poor mobility, knew that her life had to change. She had tried all the diets and failed. After finding the New You Plan, she lost 5 stone and then some!
We caught up with Eilish to find out about her journey and discover how she bagged herself a medal along the way.
Discovering New You
NY: How did you discover the New You Plan?
EILISH: I had been looking up diets online and on Facebook, but I hadn’t found anything that stood out for me. Then the New You Plan just popped up as an ad on Facebook. I have never done a total food replacement diet before but had done lots of others.
NY: Can you describe to me how you felt before starting the Plan?
ELISH: I knew I had to do something, as I was really tired all the time and my mobility and daily tasks were getting really difficult. I was really apprehensive as I have tried so many different diets in the past and I never got below 13 and a half stone. I knew I had to do something so I gave it a go.
NY: How long have you been on the Plan and how much have you lost?
EILISH: I started the plan on the 9th of April 2021. I did 12 weeks first and then I was on and off the plan due to weddings and holidays and family events, but overall, I was on the plan for about 8 months and I have lost 5 stone 7 pounds.
NY: That’s amazing! Well done! Have you reached your goal yet or are you still working on it?
EILISH: I have had a few goals and I reached them all, my most recent goal was to get below 12 stone and I have just done that. I will have to set a new goal, which will probably be to get below 11 stone and that’s probably the lowest I want to go.

First impressions
NY: What was your first impression of the Plan?
EILISH: I liked the variety. Everything looked really appealing and it seemed like there was a lot to choose from which I was happy about as I can be a very fussy eater. I was really happy to see that I didn’t have to calorie count, I used to really struggle with that. It seemed very straightforward and easy to follow.
NY: What was your first week like?
EILISH: The first week I lost 9 pounds! I really enjoyed the products and I didn’t struggle food-wise. To begin with, I was really tired, I had a headache and very strangely, all my teeth hurt. That passed after 4-5 days, as did the hunger and then I felt great! I was really energetic, I felt less bloated and I started feeling really optimistic about it.
NY: That’s fantastic that you now feel so energetic! It’s really common to feel that way for the first few days of a VLCD. What made you push through the first few days when you didn’t feel your best?
EILISH: I’d been feeling so bad before I started, I would’ve got a lot of headaches anyway. My first order was a 2-week bundle, and I thought that for 2 weeks I can definitely do it. I was on the Secret Slimmers group a lot which has also helped a lot. I knew I wanted to do it and after seeing the 9 lbs weight loss the first week, I knew the Plan worked.
Fitting in
NY: How does the plan fit in with your lifestyle? Was it easy to adjust?
EILISH: Yes, it was very easy because the food is not hard to make. It doesn’t take long to make either and a lot of it is very mobile. For the soup all you need is a kettle, you can bring the shakes anywhere with you, you just need to add the water. I always carry a meal bar in my bag in case I end up being out longer than expected or my plans change, so I won’t end up eating something I shouldn’t.
NY: Being prepared is so important. Can you tell me what your favourite meals and snacks are and what a typical day looks like for you?
EILISH: On an average day I would have my first meal probably around 10.30 am which is usually a shake. Before that, I would just have water or maybe a Pineapple Boost. I like doing my shakes with an electric blender, with a little bit of ice because they are really thick and creamy that way. Lunch is around 2 o’clock and I usually have soup. Chicken soup is my favourite. Later on, around 5 o’clock I would have a Chocolate Brownie, I usually make them in the oven and only takes about 10 minutes. In the evening I would have a meal bar with a cup of tea, which feels like a treat. I exercise most evenings so I would have a packet of crisps after that for the extra protein. The chicken crisps are my favourite.

More than just weight
NY: What is your biggest non-scale victory?
EILISH: I ran a 10k part of the Virtual Runners Guinness World Record attempt, for most users to attempt a remote 10k. I have never run 10 kilometres before or even 5 and my time wasn’t good but I did it and I was very proud of myself. I have a Guinness World medal!
NY: Wow! Not many people can say that! What has been the biggest motivator for you to stay on the Plan?
EILISH: Achieving my first goal so quickly and realizing that I actually could do it, and do more. Once I found The New You monthly journal, I started filling that in and it made me realize what was possible. I could see what I had already achieved so far and how losing weight had improved so many areas of my life.
NY: How has the Plan changed your life?
EILISH: I have way more energy now and have a much more positive outlook on life. I appreciate the positive things in my life more. I’m definitely more confident and I believe in myself more. Clothes shopping is actually enjoyable now, going into any shop knowing that their clothes will fit me. I don’t hide from the mirrors or cameras anymore and I feel like I am living my life instead of just making it through the day.
Happy memories
NY: Since losing weight, what has been your happiest memory?
EILISH: I was going to a family occasion and I’d tried on everything from my wardrobe but everything was too big for me. So I messaged my friend to say I couldn’t decide if I was happy or sad about that, but she got really happy and insisted on coming down the next day just so she can lend me something. We had never been able to borrow each other’s clothes before! She came down and we did a little fashion show and we had great fun!
NY: What is the nicest compliment you have received since losing weight?
EILISH: I’ve had loads of compliments on how I look but the nicest compliment was when someone said to me that I was a different person and I was lighter in many ways and light shines from me.

Advice time
NY: What advice would you give anyone who is thinking about starting the Plan?
EILISH: I would say to them that this is way more than just a diet. Make use of all the support that The New You has to offer. And to remember that you haven’t failed until you stop trying so don’t give up!
That’s great advice from Eilish! The New You Plan offer so much more than just products. Our support network is something that we have become proud of and it’s continually loved by all our customers.
We’re so proud of Eilish for achieving a medal for her running efforts and of course the fact she lost 5 stone and then some! It just goes to show that you can do anything if you really put your mind to it and have the right tools. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us!
Have you lost 5 stone, 1 stone, 3 stone…any amount of weight with the New You Plan? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Just email our friendly customer service team and you might get a feature in our blog – if you want to that is!
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What a amazing story it makes you realise that when you believe in the plan and yourself you can make it happen. Love reading all these fantastic real stories.