![[Video] Summary Saturday Week 3 – 21 Days Blitzed* [Video] Summary Saturday Week 3 – 21 Days Blitzed*](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/23-11.jpg)
[Video] Summary Saturday Week 3 – 21 Days Blitzed*
Summary Saturday Week 3
21 Days Blitzed
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
WOW this Challenge has flown by!! We have completed the first half of the countdown to Christmas Cracker Challenge and you have all blitzed it! For those who you who are just joining us or indeed for those of you who maybe slipped below my radar this week I have written today’s blog “Summary Saturday” and recorded the video to make sure that you don’t miss a single moment of what has been going on.
On Monday I had the privilege of interviewing our very own Lisa, I say our very own as she is the one who is most likely to take care of you on Facebook if you contact us there. Lisa is a warm hearted individual who makes it her mission to help every one and I get to help her tell the story of a 6 stone weight loss and perfect maintenance. Click here to hear Lisa’s interview!
Tuesday was Team Tips Tuesday: Track Your Progress
Tuesday was all about the methods that our customers use to track their weight loss in addition to the scales. We had some amazing feedback on the day and I would highly recommend heading over to the blog and check out what happened on the day! Click here to view the blog 🙂
WOW Wednesday:
As always my favourite day of the week! This is where we all share our off Scale successes that have made our day over the last seven days. As always the responses here were epic and again I would really recommend heading over and checking these out as this is one day that is sure to inspire you! Click here to view the blog!
Thought For Thursday:
This week the Quote was Beauty is being the best version of yourself and as always the people on the blog blew this out the water with their long terms plans for change. It was most certainly worth looking into especially for those of you who are maybe thinking of joining the plan soon as it will highlight some of the key elements for you wanting to do the plan. Click here to check out the blog!
High Five Prize Draw Friday week 3
This was our third Prize Draw in the Challenge and this was every bit as epic as the others. Well done again to our winner Fiona :)! Friday is also the day we get to see how people have been getting on in the weight loss challenge and this week has been amazing with 234 people taking part and we have lost 60 stone over this time. We also have an update on the day of how the Christmas Toy Appeal is going and it has been epic. Thank you to all our customers for helping us to achieve such astounding results that are surely going to change the Christmas experience for a great many kids this year. Click here to see all that happened yesterday 🙂
Task for today:
In keeping with tradition, Saturday is always about reflection! Today therefore I would like to hear from you again which days task has stuck with you the most and why. By doing this we have the chance to refresh the things that have been picked up during the week and increase our chances of continuing on with the habits we wish to perpetuate.
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Has to be Lisa’s interview for me love hearing these and keeps me motivated x
Loving the Hats & scarves guys…..Lisa’s interview was great this week, It just proves that we al have the same negative thought about ourselves in the beginning & how we can change those thought & gain confidence ,xx
Lisa’s interview!! U can’t beat relating to other peoples experiences xx brill guys keep it up xx
Grant, Blessed art thou amongst women!!!! Beautiful women at that.!! Many’s the man envying you this morning :):)xx My favourite was Lisa’s interview. What an amazing young woman, warm, honest and inspiring.xx
Lisa interview for me for many reasons but mostly because it shows it can be done!!! xx
My favourite day was Lisas interview really spured me on.
This week it was Lisa’s interview on Monday that stuck with me the most. Out of all the interviews I have heard so far it was the one that had the most points in that I could relate to personally. I hope I can maintain as well has Lisa has when I get to my goal weight!! 🙂 x
Lisa’s interview for me too!!
I also have underactive thyroid so it really resonated for me!!
Defo Lisa’s interview and also the one about being the best version of yourself. I want a hat by the way! A happy hat and a scarf 🙂
It would have to be Lisa’s interview aswell and I also really enjoyed Ellie’s webinar.
Def lisas interview really egged me on to b 100% nxt wk x
Safe to say Lisas’ interview was fantastic and one that I could relate to. I enjoy all the daily tasks but this was great 🙂
You all look fab in todays video- well done, amazing results! xx
loved lisas vidoe she is a true inspiration to us all well done lisa ans new you team great job x
I love all of it and everything about the daily tasks and blogs. It all helps me push myself to burn those last few pounds away for good. Although having man flu hasn’t helped me at all this week but at least I didn’t gain anything. I have run out of wafers too and my nbox wotn arrive til Monday…help!
Great to see all the girls in action with Grant, Lisa interview was so down to earth,
Thanks NEW YOU , for making this all so special, caring , and finally getting to see 4 girls
With Grant , he has a tough job , 🙂
Hope they had fun at H.Q. New You ,
Loved the video the girls all looked fantastic and presented themselves very well indeed….and Grant…YOU looked really happy to be surrounded by such beauties…. Must admit think it’s unanimous that Lisa’s interview was the thing that motivated and stuck with me this week. I always knew she was a very caring lady, just be the comments and the fact she seems to be online 24/7 lol…..but hearing her story was great, and her warmth and humour was there for all to hear. ….
Undoubtedly Lisa’s interview this week, such wonderful inspirational stuff, fantastic, makes me soooo want to do this until I get the 6 1/2 stone gone forever ! Xx
Without a doubt it had to be Lisa’s interview I have listened to it today Aswell as its the weekend and I needed a boost and I got it 🙂
Lisa’s interview- very inspirational thank you NY x
For me it HAS to be Lisa’s interview which was sooooooo “slim”spiring!!
It’s these interviews that give us all the motivation to keep going forward with NY knowing that it can be done ,it’s also great to be able to relate to the topics discussed and know that we are not alone in this bulge battle ,just LOVED that interview!!!!
I enjoyed Lisa’s interview too – very inspiring x
i have to agree with the girls…lisa’s interview was great and very inspiring.her flexibility and natural attidude and aporoach to the ny plan was fab! it made it less of a ‘thing’ and more of an adaptable way of life.thanks!!
Lisa’s interview was great but fridays video was better 🙂 🙂
My favourite day last week was Friday – the winner of the prize was soooo happy. Her comments on SS made me smile – so happy for her.