Let’s Make March Marvellous!
Although it feels more like December or January, March has officially begun. While many of us are experiencing a blizzard, even the snow hasn’t put our Secret Slimmers off! More determined than ever, we asked them a very important question and we LOVED reading their results. Here’s why March will be amazing for our customers…
In our Secret Slimmers group, we put a very important question to our customers. We asked them to do the following:
And our customers’ answers showed us a very big thing… Not even the worst snow in years can put a stop to their plans for March. Despite the horrific weather, they have never been more determined and focused on their goals than ever before, and we love them even more for it.
Here’s why March is set to be marvellous for our customers…
- “In March I will stay focused and lose another stone. I will continue with my swimming lessons and swimming exercises, I really love doing them and I don’t feel embarrassed as I have lost so much weight, thanks to new you plan diet.” – SM
- “In March I will achieve a stone loss and feel fabulous!” – NP
- “In March I will lose one more stone and donate every item of clothing size 20, 22 and 24 to a charity shop because I’m never going to be that big ever again.” – LR
- “In March I will be slimmer.. healthier.. be in my new beautiful home.” – VN
- “In March I will hopefully have reached my goal 10.5st with 3.5st loss.” – HB
- “In March I will do this with no blips at all!” – JS
- “In March I will continue to succeed in my new you journey.” – CF
- “In March I will reach my target!” – YC
- “In March I will keep my 100% commitment, lose more weight and feel happier about starting to exercise.” – MW
- “In March I will think positive & be slimmer one day at a time.” – TS
- “In March I will be happy, be healthy, BE ME!!!” – PR
- “In March I will be 3 stone lighter.” – AF
31 days is such a short space of time but amazing things are achievable! Let’s give this month our all and make March marvellous!
Start Your TFR Journey Today!
The first step in your journey to a brand new you begins with getting started! So that you can fully understand how our plan works, our Get Started page was designed specifically for people new to the plan.
Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
You can visit our Get Started page by clicking here.