How to use self-reflection to increase your weight loss success

Get all the details on our FINAL Spring Transformation Challenge, which involves using self-reflection to increase your weight loss success
It’s here! Week 11 and our final Task of the Spring Transformation series. What an amazing 10 weeks it has been so far. So many of our fab customers have taken part – whether it was taking a walk and posting a picture of what you found beautiful or sharing your motivational tips for success – you have all been wonderful.
For our final task we would like you to reflect on the last 10 weeks (or however long it has been since you started your New You transformation). We would love to know what changes you have made as part of the tasks; have you began a regular walking habit perhaps or picked up some great ways to manage stress?

Self-reflection is an essential part of your New You journey. By looking back on our actions and the outcomes we can adapt and adjust. This is how we will increase our success.
For example, perhaps you discovered that you get stressed around dinner time. You might be cooking food for the family, trying to juggle homework, housework and phone calls and maybe you have thought ‘sod it, I deserve this’ as you break your diet. By reflecting back on what else was going on at the time we can adjust our behaviours. If you know that dinner time is hectic in your house, perhaps having a New You bar or snack before it all kicks off would help you come out the other side unscathed.

Self-reflection can also help us grow. It’s often surprising how differently other people see us from how we see ourselves. In some cases, we might be pleased to discover that our friends or colleagues view us as strong, intelligent or funny. At other times, this kind of revelation can be a pertinent reminder of how easy it is to lose sight of who we are.
So many of our customers at the beginning of their journey say they ‘don’t recognise’ the person they have become. Yes, they have gained weight but with that comes other changes. They might avoid social situations as they are embarrassed about their size or their clothes choices change from stylish outfits to anything that will hide or disguise. Perhaps their relationships with significant others have changed as they no longer feel comfortable being intimate.
We grow so used to acting out our roles — hard worker, loyal wife, caring mother — that we neglect other parts of ourselves. And for many of us, we turn to food. Before we realise it, we’ve become trapped in a role that we never imagined ourselves in, or that we outgrew long ago.

As you begin and work through your New You journey you will naturally go through a process of reinvention. Think of reinvention and for most of us the first image that comes to mind is probably a dramatically made-over celebrity — a formidable, muscled Madonna in a leotard or a cloak. (Did anybody see Eurovision?!) Real reinvention, however, is a considered method of redefining who we really are, or finding new ways of signalling to the world that this is the person we truly feel ourselves to be.

The focus is very much on redefining your ‘brand values’, your emotional fingerprint, working out who you are in relation to the rest of the world. Of course, changing your appearance might be a significant part of that, but it should also be a reflection of inner transformation. Once your ‘Brand New You’ is established, then it becomes easier to see what action you might take, whether it’s rediscovering an old passion, creating healthy habits around food and movement or embarking on a new career.
Our Final Spring Transformation Challenge Task

For our final task, we would like you to reflect on what has worked well for you during the Spring Transformation Challenge and also on where you need to make adjustments to continue your success.
To enter, head over to Secret Slimmers, or email: [email protected].
On Friday, we will reveal the winner, who will be able to choose between 4 amazing prizes:
- Nutribullet
- Spectrum Make-Up Brushes
- Jo Malone Perfume
- 1 Week Bundle
Are you ready to get started on a really, really, really easy diet plan?
Getting started is the first step in your journey to a brand New You! To help you understand fully how our plan works, our Get Started page with designed specifically for people new to the plan.
Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
Click here to visit our Get Started page!