Dominic Our £2000 Cash New Year New You 2021 Transformation Challenge Winner!

Dominic Our £2000 Cash New Year New You 2021 Transformation Challenge Winner!

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Inspiring men everywhere, here’s Dominic, the second-place New Year New You 2021 Transformation Challenge runner-up.

Once a cynic, Dominic’s weight loss isn’t the only thing that’s been transformed – he’s now utterly obsessed with the New You Plan and can’t stop telling everyone he knows how great it is!


Read on to find out exactly how transformational this challenge has been for Dominic, and to find out his handy little hack for one of the products.

What was your motivation to begin the plan and how did you feel before starting the plan?

Before I started the plan, I had lost all hope, to be honest. I just kept gaining weight. I thought to myself “there is nothing out there that can shift this”. I thought that there were just these placebos, you know, things that make wild claims but do nothing that could make me actually lose weight.


I thought to myself, “I’ve got to shift this”. But then, I actually saw a male transformation picture and thought if he can do it then I can do it!


I looked at the New You Plan, worked out how much it would cost, and actually realised that it would cost less than eating “real” food. I decided to go for it, and the results at the start were incredible. I think I lost 15lb in the first week!


This just inspired me to keep going and although I’m not on social media, my own journey is what has spurred me on to continue. I am completely over the moon and I am a different person.

How did you hear about the New You Plan?

I saw something pop up on Twitter. A picture of a guy who had lost a lot of weight, and it got me thinking. I thought I am going to try this. I have tried many other weight loss plans, and I just never got on with the idea of doing meetings and check-ins every week. It didn’t appeal to me.


I saw the guy’s results from following the New You Plan, in his photo and just thought that I needed to try this – let’s give it a go.

And I have never looked back!

In taking part in the challenge did it encourage you to stick to the plan?

It definitely did keep me motivated. I wanted to see how far I could take this myself, how well I could do in this specified amount of time.

How much have you lost in this challenge and lost in total?

I have lost 5 stone 3lb in only 12 weeks, and when I say to people that I have done this in such a short time they say “no way, you can’t have”. I got a little obsessed with the scales.


I was originally a 38 waist and I have recently bought 31-inch waist jeans and they are now too big for me!

What have you found most enjoyable about the plan?

I have really enjoyed doing it – I have had 2 weeks off and I miss not being on the plan. It helps with a lot of structure. I’ve actually enjoyed everything about the plan, from seeing the results I get for the effort that I have put in, to hearing what people say to me. 


The best one I have had so far is when my neighbour came up to me and said “Hey my neighbour has a dog just like that!”. When I revealed that I was the same neigbour she said  “Oh my god Dominic I didn’t recognise you!”.

What’s your favourite product?

I love the Mexican Tacos, but the crisps are absolutely superb! I would eat them every day for life! They are delicious!

If we’re talking bars, I love the lemon yoghurt one –  that’s absolutely delicious. I also love the caramel fudge bar and caramel crispy bars too.

I love all of the different kinds of pasta, Ham and Mushroom Pasta, Pasta Carbonara, Spicy Noodle Nosh, and Chicken Noodle Curry.

And then the shakes, I genuinely do not think there is a bad shake flavour!

  • One cheeky tip: I’ve found that if you put a bit more water in the Salted Caramel Cake it comes out almost like a fondue! You then just cut the top layer off and underneath it, there’s all of this warm goo!

Have you struggled with anything and if so, how have you overcome them?

Yes, I struggled on the weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays, you just want takeaways with the family or you really fancy a Sunday dinner. I had to try hard to stay focused on what I was trying to achieve. 

I’d mix myself up some Orange Water Flavouring or take myself off for a walk or find something else to do to distract myself. We really mostly eat when we’re bored, don’t we?

How has the plan changed your life?

People have told me the plan has knocked years off me – I turn 40 this year and people say I look about 33!

When going through the plan I looked older at a point but when coming out the other side I, of course, look younger!

Before beginning the plan I was told that I had a minor heart condition, and this was part of my inspiration. I couldn’t jog for more than 5 minutes without getting chest pains. Now? I’m playing 5 a side football for 60 minutes with no problems at all! I’m also going on 30-minute jogs, and I’m back training in the gym! 

This plan has completely revolutionized me. I have a six-pack for the first time in my life!

I think to myself “eh boys look at me 40 years old with a six-pack”!

Recently, I took my son back to football and as I walked across the pitch, his teammates were asking him who had brought him to training? When my son said that I was just his dad, the parents couldn’t believe it. They said “My god! Where have you gone?”.

This has really made so much difference that it honestly makes people’s jaws drop.

I just think now I can’t wait to get my shirt off!

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting the New You Plan?

I would tell people that once you get your head in the zone you are fine. You being in the zone just inspires you to continue.

I know I have inspired people – I’d quite happily do a “New You Rollout” and promote this to more people.

If there’s one thing I can say it’s that, yes I can guarantee results as I have done it and I can prove it!

Do it, you will not regret it! It’s not that tough once you get into the flow of things – it’s quite easy and you will see results.

My friend has only been doing it a week, and he was struggling but he has already lost 9lb. After seeing such amazing results in the first week, it really just spurs you on!

I do not know how much more fondly or highly I can speak of the New You Plan. The one thing I can say for definite is that it is life-changing, and if you stick to it you will get results!

New Year New You 2022 Transformation Challenge

If you’re after that six-pack too, and a cool top £3000 prize, why not join our New Year New You 2022 Transformation Challenge!

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