5 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Skip Breakfast

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you feed yourself what your body needs when it needs it, that’s love. So give your bod some TLC and sit down and enjoy a good, substantial breakfast.”      –  Kathy Freston, best selling author “Breakfast: It’s the most important meal of the day!” It’s an expression that’s been

Why Positivity Rocks!! By Candida J F Woolcott

With a positive attitude we experience pleasant and happy feelings. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy, and happiness. Even our health improves. Negative thoughts, words and attitude, create negative and unhappy feelings, moods and behaviour. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure,

6 Ways to be Happier in 2017!

No matter what journey we are on in our lives Happiness is something we all want to achieve. The term happy is ‘to feel or show pleasure or contentment’, in a broad sense you think that would be quite easily achieved but everyone’s happiness is found in different ways. For some time with a loved one is all the happiness

10 Easy Ways To Drink More Water & Feel Fabulous!

Whether you’ve just started your New You Plan journey, or you’re back to lose a few pounds, you’ll know that one of the principals of the plan is to up your water intake to the maximum. While on the plan, we’re always stressing the importance of drinking water and how upping your intake can have a big impact on the amount

5 Pillars of a Healthy New You in 2017!

We all know that a weight loss journey like TFR is more than just a diet, it is a complete lifestyle change. The new habits picked up a long with way makes the continuation of a healthy lifestyle after the diet is over a more manageable tasks. Throughout this journey we start to appreciate new approaches to food, a new admiration for exercise

10 Ways to get Motivated on your New Year Diet!

New Year brings with it new opportunities. New chances to become the best version of you possible. It is human nature to have these thoughts when January comes around but following through with them can sometimes be quite difficult. After the Christmas period we can all feel a bit sluggish and bloated and the day 1 of the diet can seem

Set your 2017 weight loss goal

Set your goal & run with it! Okay, okay… we know it’s Christmas Eve & the last thing you’re probably thinking about is your diet and loosing weight, but if you think about it, now is actually the perfect time to get in the zone! In just a matter of hours, Christmas will be over, and the next date in

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