10 Tips To Increase Your Positivity

Our lives are filled with challenges that can make it difficult to be positive sometimes. However, choosing to be positive can greatly help to overcome these challenges, making us become happier and stronger in the process. Adopting a positive mental attitude during your time on plan will make the experience easier. So here we share our top 10 tips to increase your

5 Total Food Replacement Facts To Keep You Motivated!

Let’s face it… dieting can be stressful, but thankfully, The New You Plan is unlike any other diet you have either tried before. Check out these 5 Total Food Replacement facts to keep you motivated and on track to a brand new you! Benefit 1: Stress Free Dieting! Busy life? Think you don’t have time to diet? Don’t fancy spending hours prepping

[Julz Journal] How I Used To Be…

A lot of people losing weight want to get back to “How I Used To Be…” 💜 I used to be slim. 💜 I used to have lots of energy. 💜 I used to be really healthy. 💜 I used to have gorgeous clothes. 💜 I used to love going out. 💜 I used to go swimming every week. 💜 I used to go to the gym.

The New You Plan 10 Million Steps Challenge

Our 10 Million Steps Challenge has just reached 6 million steps! Get out the details on the challenge and join today. This month, we kicked things off with a new challenge. In a bid to get our Secret Slimmers more active, we launched a 10 Million Steps Challenge. The aim of this was to encourage everyone to get out, get active

5 Stages of DETOX On Total Food Replacement

Total Food Replacement is a great way to lose weight fast, form new healthy mindsets and habits and totally detox your body, mind and soul. There are 5 stages of DETOX on total food replacement. A detox is a time when you abstain from unhealthy choices. When you follow total food replacement, you abstain from conventional food, and instead get

[Julz Journal] Self Discipline Equals Freedom

Self discipline is one of those things that is like a double edged sword to us.  It is so easy to look at self discipline as being trapped in all these self imposed rules and regulations, and living a life with no fun. I have found the opposite to be true.  Our FAST FOCUS plan can seem extreme to some

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