New You Plan Interview: Jackie Lost 4st 7lbs & 6 Dress Sizes

Before finding The New You Plan, Jackie Murphy was miserable. Working in an extremely stressful environment, and being subjected to bullying by her supervisor led to emotional eating, and ultimately, her weight gain. Over the years she has tried every diet plan out there. She was successful once but negative comments led to her piling the weight back on, and more.

[Part 1] Lucy lost 3 stone in 12 weeks!*

Mid-way through her New You Plan journey, Lucy reflects on how she has already experienced a massive confidence boost, has loads more energy, her skin feels amazing, and the plan easily fits into her family life. Having already lost 3 stone in 12 weeks, she is now embarking on the second part of her weight loss journey. Watch her video

Week 11: Hele’s New You weight loss vlog

Now 11 weeks into her New You weight loss vlog series, customer Hele reveals how much weight she’s lost and how she’s feeling ahead of her re-feed next week. Just as she predicted after her 1lb weight loss last week, Hele experienced a much bigger loss this week, with another impressive 4lbs gone for good. That takes her total weight

New You Plan Customer Story: Tina Dropped 4 Dress Sizes*

Tina Daniels from Galway has always been slim. Even following the birth of her children, she easily got back to her target weight. However, with a stressful job and a painful health condition, she turned to food for comfort. But one day, the realisation hit her that she had become overweight and so she vowed to do something about it.

Hele’s weekly diet blog: 3st 1lb gone in 10 weeks*

In her week 10 diet blog, customer Hele reveals her week 10 results and how she’s feeling ahead of her re-feed next week. Find out how much weight she lost and what she learned this week! One of the things we teach all our customers is that everyone’s bodies are different. We all lose weight at different rates and factors

Hele’s Week 9 Weight Loss Diary

Week 9 of her weight loss diary, customer Hele has been on an incredible journey! Watch her video below to find out her total weight loss so far, as well as her tried and tested top tips… Hele is proof that so much can be achieved in such a short space of time. In just 9 weeks she has lost

“My New You Plan Weight Loss Results: Week 7”

7 wonderful weeks into her journey, customer Hele has been revealing her New You Plan weight loss results in her series of weekly vlogs. Click on the video below as she reveals her total weight loss and how she’s feeling after 7 weeks on plan. If you’re worried about your weight loss slowing down… don’t! Hele is proof that continual

“My New You Plan Weight Loss Journey: Week 6”

On week 6 of her New You Plan weight loss journey, customer Hele shares her total weight loss and how’s she’s feeling. Click on the video below to find out how she did! Despite having an emotional week for personal reasons, Hele has had that massive change in mindset that we talk about so much. Admittedly, Hele confesses that in

Week 5 vlog: “My TFR weight loss journey”

In her TFR weight loss journey, customer Hele has been sharing her weight loss updates in her weekly vlog. Five weeks in, she tells us how she’s feeling, as well as revealing that all important total weight loss amount. Click on her video below where she reveals all! WOW! Well done Hele!! We can’t believe it! 26.4 lbs lost in

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