Day 10 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Hi everyone, today is Day 10 of our Let’s Make May Magnificent Weight Loss Challenge! I am really excited at the positive comments we have been getting on our daily videos and the weight loss leaderboard!! You guys are KILLING IT!!! Woohoo! Yesterday we did a great recap of what

Day 9 The New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Welcome to Day 9 of the new you plan weight loss challenge! “Let’s make May Magnificent!” I hope the month has got off to a positive start for you, and you are feeling this week is going to be a positive week for you to achieve your weight loss goals

Day 8 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Well I hope you got through the bank holiday weekend ok! Here is our video for Day 8, I hope you enjoy it, and please make sure you read the blog post below and complete today’s task and update the leaderboard!   Whether you were as Good as Gold or

Day 7 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee HAPPY BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY! I hope you have a super bank holiday today. Today I have a task for you, and if you can’t complete it today, then please complete it before the end of the week. This is the WARDROBE TASK… If you have been struggling with your weight

Day 6 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Welcome to DAY 6 of the new you plan weight loss challenge! I am sure you are excited to be approaching your first weigh in result, if you have already had your first weigh in for May, then don’t forget to head over to our weight loss leaderboard and update

Day 5 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Woohoo HIGH FIVE for making it to DAY FIVE!! I hope you are starting to feel some momentum building and feeling positive that you are doing well!! If you have been sitting on the sidelines and have been watching the videos but haven’t got started on the diet, I hope

Weight Loss Mantras: FREE DOWNLOAD

I am delighted to offer you this WEIGHT LOSS MANTRA EBOOK as a FREE GIFT from The New You Plan. This booklet was compiled by participants in our Weight Loss Challenge, who shared their Mantra’s that spur them on to build momentum and achieve their weight loss goals. These weight loss mantras will help to inspire you to!  Losing weight

Day 4 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Hey! Woohoo! 3 days over us on the weight loss challenge, and welcome to DAY 4! And TODAY IS A PRIZE DAY!! Watch the video and read on to find out HOW YOU CAN WIN TODAY! x Big shout out to EVERYONE is is kicking ass this month!!! Can’t wait

Day 3 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*

Woohoo!! We are on Day 3 of The New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge for May! *Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Congratulations on making it to Day 3 – you are on a roll now eh! 🙂 Every day is a MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT.  Take it day at time, and soon it will become easier, and

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