5 ways to make a goal really stick

Fed up making the same promises to yourself again and again? Bored by repeatedly setting yourself the same weight loss goal but never succeeding at it? End the vicious cycle today thanks to 5 easy ways to make a goal really stick! How many times have you set yourself a weight loss goal? Full of determination and resolve that THIS

Spring Transformation Challenge: Final winner

Our Spring Transformation Challenge came to a close this week, with the week 11 winner revealed! Get the details on this week’s task and find out who scooped up the final prize. The last 12 weeks have gone by in the blink of an eye and what an amazing time of transformation it has been. So many of our customers


This week’s Spring Transformation Challenge winner has been revealed! Another great challenge and what an amazing response we had to it! A new task is announced every Monday (with the FINAL one being revealed this Monday) and the winner is shared on Friday. This means that you have 4 days to share your answer. Not only will you have the

How To Fall In Love With Yourself Right Now

Stop waiting until you reach your goal to be happy! Here, we share 10 easy ways to fall in love with yourself right now! You are ready. You have your New You Plan packs, your water is waiting and you’ve bought a new pair of trainers in a bid to reach those 10,000 steps but is there something you have


This week’s Spring Transformation Challenge winner has been revealed! We had such a great response to this week’s Spring Transformation Challenge task. A new task is announced every Monday and the winner is shared on Friday. This means that you have 4 days to share your answer. Not only will you have the chance to win an amazing prize, but

6 Ways To Find Your Bliss & be happy everyday!

Your search for happiness ends here! Check out our 6 top tips for easy ways to start being happy every single day. We often think of happiness as a destination, the light at the end of the tunnel, lit up by sunshine in the distance. We often convince ourselves that we will be happy when everything falls into place: landing

Spring Transformation Challenge: Week 8 Winner

This week’s Spring Transformation Challenge winner has been revealed! We had such a great response to this week’s Spring Transformation Challenge task. A new task is announced every Monday and the winner is shared on Friday. This means that you have 4 days to share your answer. Not only will you have the chance to win an amazing prize, but

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