Diet Mindset
What Does Your “New You” Mean?

What Does Your “New You” Mean?

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Your New You

Whether you want to be the “old me”, “real me” or “new me”, getting clear on what your New You Plan journey means to you is the first step to success!

What does The New You Plan mean to you? Your journey will be unique to you. In essence, it means being the person you want to be and being the best you can be.

  • Some people want to be the “old me” – and want to get back to the way they used to be.
  • Some people want to be the “real me” – the person that they know they are deep down inside.
  • Some people want to be the “new me” – and transform themselves inside & out to be better than before.

Your New You

Really, we all want to pick the best of all 3.  There will be parts of the “old you” that you want to reignite again. There will be part of the “real you” that you have hidden away and now you want to have the confidence and shine. Finally, there will be inspiration and determination to create a “new you” and a brighter future.

Get clear on what YOUR NEW YOU PLAN means to you. Get clear on WHO the REAL YOU is:

  • Who do you really want be?  
  • What lifestyle do you want to have?
  • What habits do you want to have?
  • What mindset do you want to have?
  • How confident do you want to be?
  • How socialable do you want to be?
  • How fashionable do you want to be?
  • How ambitious do you want to be?
  • How fit and healthy do you want to be?
  • Who do you want to spend your time with?
  • Who do you want to learn from?
  • What hobbies and interests do you want to have?
  • What do you want your legacy to be?
  • What do you want to spend your days doing?

Your New You

Your New You Plan, inside & out

Creating a new you takes inner and outer work.  The New You Plan offers our nutritionally complete meal replacements (VLCD / TFR) to help you lose weight fast and achieve the healthy weight and look that you want.

We also want you to believe in yourself and change the way you think, and change your habits to support your new healthy slim body.  Get clear on what your personal New You Plan is for you. Get clear on what you need to change and work on and get started and make it happen. Taking it a day at a time, you can achieve anything. Focusing on losing weight helps you to see real change fast. It impacts so many other areas of your life and gives you the kick start to creating your new you in every area of your life.

Your New You


This is a beautiful exercise that could really help you on your personal new you journey.

Imagine that you are in a room, and in walks the “old you”.  This old you could be from 5 years ago. You hug the old you, and let them know how great things have worked out, and how all the problems and challenges they faced all turned out for the best. You reassure the old you that everything is going to be OK and you give the old you advice on how to move forward.

Then you see a figure walking towards you, and this is you in 5 years time. It is your new you. You see yourself as you want to see yourself in 5 years time. Your “new you” warmly hugs you, and then goes on to tell you how all the problems and challenges that you are facing today are going to fade away and you are going to be OK, and how great everything is going to turn out. Your new you gives you advice on what to do to make your dreams come true.

Then the old you, your now you, and your new you – HUG 🙂

This is a lovely exercise to do. Try it tonight before you go to sleep.

This exercise can help you on so many levels! It will make you feel grateful for the progress you have made and make you feel proud, happy and content. Feeling gratitude for where you are today is the best way to move forward. It will also help you look at the old you with compassion and love, and make you feel proud for who you are today and how far you have come. It also prompts you to visualise your new you, what you are working towards, addressing who you want to be, and give you the confidence that you can achieve your dreams.


Start Your TFR Journey Today!

Low Calorie Diet

Getting started is the first step in your journey to a brand New You! To help you understand fully how our plan works, our Get Started page was designed specifically for people new to the plan.

Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.

Click here to visit our Get Started page!

Low Calorie Diet

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