May Weight Loss Challenge Weekly Weigh In Leaderboard – CLOSED – FINAL TEAM LOSS 50 STONE 8 POUNDS!*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee
[highlight]PLEASE NOTE: If your name is not on the leaderboard then please REGISTER HERE and if you need to order products for the first time READ OUR GETTING STARTED page or just call us for a friendly chat as we would love to help you get started.[/highlight]
Every day in May we are giving you a FREE MOTIVATION VIDEO! This will kick start your day and help you to achieve your goals, so you can LOOK AND FEEL GREAT this summer!! Stop putting off your dreams and feeling frustrated, take the amazing opportunity of this challenge to spur you on and drop a jean size or two this month!! It is never too late to join the challenge, and it is never too late for you to be the person you want to be!!
So guys and dolls its time to grab those scales and watch those pesky pounds disappear!!!!
Keep an eye on our weight loss leader board and lets shrink together!!!
Remember to let us know how you are getting on and we can update our leader board every week!!!
This weight loss challenge is going to be EPIC !!!!
There are prizes to be won and blogs to be posted so lets get cracking and…
Remember this challenge is here to help you find The New You….
The happier, healthy, more confident you so feel free to leave any wee handy hits, tips and advice on our blog for your fellow challenge members…
Its all about support, encouragement and a positive attitude!
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]PLEASE NOTE! The leaderboard will be updated EVERY TUESDAY MORNING and EVERY FRIDAY MORNING![/box]
[…] any weigh in’s for today, don’t forget to update the LEADERBOARD as it is now LIVE!! […]
Hi I am not sure how to update the leader board, but I have lost 3lb on my weigh in today, thanks x
I lost one pound on today’s weigh in. Thank you.
Day 4 of the challenge and never thought I would enjoy being on a diet but I am. I feel great and know this is a new beginning for the new me. Already done one week and lost 11lbs.
8 pounds for me this week 🙂
4.5 lbs down (oh yeah, the 0.5lbs count!)
I lost 3ib this week 🙂
Hi Julie. I lost 3.2lbs this week. Probably could have done better with the water. Roll on week #2! 🙂
Which means I have lost 59lbs altogether 😀
At the start of my journey I was overwhelmed with the amount of weight I had to loose, but it just goes to show if you put your mind to something you really can do it!!
I AM going to loose another 2-2&half stone before end of July/August.
Thanks for all the support and motivation Julie 🙂 xoxo
that’s brilliant!well done:-) as of this morn im down 60lb! im also hoping to lose another 2-2.5stone by start August!I remember when i mid Jan i was totally overwhelmed thinking omg wil i ever lose 6stone..it’ll take ages..and now with 4stone banished 2more sounds ok!best of luck with it and well done x
Oh wow, thats unbelievable! You have to be so proud of yourself! Its tough but very rewarding. Just think, in three months you will be a new woman with a brand new wardrobe 🙂 Good luck xx
Oh the new wardrobe is sooo motivating isnt it!! xx
Hay guys started off at 15.3 and today I am 14 exact, can’t believe it and sure the weight lost won’t be as great next week but whoop whoop what a great start. Hope everyone else is getting fantastic results. Size 14 here I come ha ha
Ah Thanks Amy, I just can’t believe it, just hope I can do as well this week. Hope you are being good and achieving and once again thanks for the encouragement. R x
Hi, lost 1.3lbs this week, thanks..
i have lost 11 lb this week
Hi Weigh in is Saturday for me and I’m down by 3lbs this week.
6lb down really pleased x
julie e dont know if ive done things right as my comment still awaiting moderation, but apart from that im 6lb done and really pleased x
oh i think i placed this on the wrong one a minute ago…
week one and 8.3 lbs GONE!…
Hi Julz!
Hope you had a great weekend, mine was quiet, no booze!!
I have lost 101b this week and got into those size 12 jeans. woohoo.
[…] Smile DON’T FORGET TO UPDATE THE LEADER BOARD with your weight loss results so far this month. We will be announcing some winners tomorrow in our video!! All you need to do is update the leaderboard with your loss! […]
I had lost 7lb!
week one over, 11 pounds lost.
As of this morning I’m down 4lbs 🙂
hi,first weigh in for may and Im down 8lb!delighted with that:-):-):-)
hope everyone has a gr8 wk X
Hi everyone, I am down 2 pounds this week. I had always planned to have a couple of meals to celebrate my mums 60th, so had some fish and veg on sat night and monday night, had a ball, and feeling ready for 100% now for the rest of the month. Congrats to everyone on your weight loss results so far!!
Julz xx
Hi everyone and Julz,
an update on my first week weigh in, today I have weigh myself and I’m down from 18.2 stone to 17.6 stone so that’s a 10lb loss in my first week, well chuffed with that. Hope you are all having a great week, I’m feeling fantastic and well on my way to reach my end of May goal. 🙂
Hi Guys,
I am down 7lbs 😉
hi emma
just wanted to check your weight loss goalas we have 3 emmas in our challenge and wanted to make sure i updated the right one for you
and if its ok il stick another initial beside your name to avoid any more confusion
Amy xxx
Hiya Julz and gang, hope ye are all doing well? I’m down 1.5lbs. Was hoping for 2.5 but not to worry I’ll get there next week 🙂 Have a good week everyone 🙂 xoxo
Hi guys 10.5 lbs down this week . Happy Days !
im down 8lb 🙂 after a few slip ups i kept positive and went back on track, im delighted with myslef..i know its only a meesly 8lb but it means wonders to me , finally looking forward to my new beginning 🙂 xx
HiJulz, Not sure how to fill in leaderboard, don’t see my name on it, well I am 9stone 10lbs so that puts me up 4lbs weighed my self this morn, parties all last week, all over now, so I started this morning again. Went out for my walk had porridge, soup for lunch and will have a bar later.
I am so embarrassed coming on here saying I am up but their is no point in me lying to ye all our myself.
goodluck to ye all for week 2.
hi all i lost 61b this week am doin great on this plan am sooo happy i started it to in 3 weeks i have 26 pound lost am just delighted x
Sorry Julz I wrote that wrong I meant to write 11stone 6lbs last tuesday and now I am 11stone 10lbs so I am up 4lbs. My apologies my head isn’t with it today so please scrap the other comment I left. Hope to do better this week. Goodluck all…………………..XXXX
hi julz, you put me on the leader board as julie and not julie E sorry for any confusion x
hi julie we actually have 2 julies in our challenge Amy xxx
Hi Julz… Wk 1 and 8lb down Wooo Hooo,,,,,
I’ve lost 3lbs this month so far
i dont know how to update i lost 3 pounds thanks
Hi jullie sorry but i just wanted to check your weight loss goal before i put you into the list because we have a few julies and if it was ok to change you to julie k to avoid any more confusion
Amy xxx
Hello everyone, I was type chatting away to you all and I don’t know what I did but all my message got lost…me and comptrs….Oooh!! Anyway, I was saying I am a very happy puppy, my jeans are so baggy on me and I feel so light. I feel fantastic…I wake up in the am feeling fantastic. Tough weekend tho’…had a bit of a nibble, and I bought ww wine which has only 80kc per 125ml serving. To make up for the damage I increased my walking routine to 12 Km. this is such a good good feeling…I plan to wear a dress and heels next weigh in. Well done to all on may challenge who dropped a lb or 2. YeeHaw, great stuff Julz, bring it on!!
Oops! Forgot to mention in the excitement, I lost 11lbs. Yippeee!!
Not weighted myself today as such a great weight loss last week but will weigh in next week. I am still on a high from the loss and wish you all you wish yourselves and much much more.
Day 1…. May 8th would love to lose 18LBS for May challenge..
Lou, you are in the right place to lose weight. If you take the time to view the motivation videos from day 1, and also read the comments from everyone who accepted the May challenge, you will see you are not alone, that in the highs and the lows of your efforts you have 100% support because we are ALL on the Same path and we are all WINNERS. Stick to the Plan for 1 week, and you won’t believe the high you will experience when you weigh in and you have lost Lbs, and you know if you keep it up, one step, one day at a time you will be in ‘the dress’ or ‘the jeans’ within a couple of weeks. try walking or skipping 30 mins every day… Drink min. 2 ltrs water, enjoy NY diet which is really good at helping you reshape you, and log in daily for continued support. Every success 🙂 Lorraine
Woooooo lost 7lbs. Happy with that….
Hi All
Well am thrilled to be down 14lb in one week, am really delighted. Taking it one day at a time, but looking forward to the scales next Tuesday morning!!
Can I please change my goal from 14 as I have done 17 to 21. Thanks R x
Wed is my Weigh in last Wed was down 4 1/4 but as it was only day 2 of May wasnt sure if that counted! Today down 3 1/2. Thanks Mags
First May weigh in (third week in total) 6lb down thata a total of 18lbs in twentyone days. I love it.
Life isn’t always what we wish for,
But while we’er here,
we might as well dance. Lillian
I never got around to updating my weight loss for week 1 (I’m weighing on Tuesdays this time). Anyway, I lost 8 lbs. Happy out with that as had to have a few lemsips, which may have put me out a bit, dying with a cold/flu all week as are all the kiddies. Well done to everyone so far! Here’s to week 2 :))
Hi there,
lost 4 lbs. Down to 13.10 now.
Well done Breeda, you are killing it!! xx
Another day another diet. But feel fantastic coz this is the last one.
Woohoo!! 🙂 Good luck Karen honey!! xx
Hey, julz&amy I have lost 4lb this week yay, hope I’m not too late for it to go on the board? X
[…] f you want to register for the challenge or if you want to be add your weight loss results to the leaderboard – CLICK HERE – and add your name or your weight loss result for this week!! Don’t forget to take part in the competition, I am […]
Hi, I am down 11 3/4 lbs this weeks!!
Julie E not a good repot this week as put on 6lb so looking forward to a good weight loss next week still plan to have 20lb off x
You can do it Julie!!! xx Wee buns to you!! xx
Hi Amy,
Can you please update my weigh ins please
I lost 2 pounds last week and 5 pounds this week!!
i would like to add 15 lbs loss to mine…thankyou
nicki xxx
Week 2 – down 4lbs 🙂
GUTTED… TOTM_ and it really effected me i only lost 1 lb….
but on the plus side its still 9.3 lbs in two weeks… still not as high as one would like… 🙁
I wasn’t even going to post but i thought i better if i am to keep strong this week so…
If you could add my tiny 1 lb to the chart, that would be great, thanks Amy,
Hi. Everybody gets those bad weeks. It so dis-heartening but keep on track. You can do it!! 🙂 xx
hey lolli…. awh dont get down chick 1lb off is still good at least it was a loss and not a gain you should still be really proud of yourself thats a great amount to lose in 2 weeks…. i hope you have a good week… Amy xxx
Lost 5lb this week. Feels great all my size 20’s are too big what agreat complaint,
2ib loss this week 🙂
Hi everyone. Weighed myself this morning and I am 5.2 lbs down. Finally my goal weight feels an arms length away. Bring on Summer! 😀
Hi Julz I forgot to weigh myself this morning I will do it first thing tomorrow morning and will let you know. Sorry for the delay.
Went to keep fit class this morning and really enjoyed it, have stuck to meal plan and also had a 3 mile walk this evening. I am soar but proud of myself, and beginning to ache all over now.
I will log on early in morning. Thanks for all your support to you and the group. X
I lost 9lb in week 1 for the leader board please! X
Hi Julz I am 2.5 lbs down.
Hi Julz I am 2.5 lbs down Yippee for me
ive lost 5 pounds on the may challenge so far, never updated last weeks for some reason:)
lost 2 pounds
Hi all, Julz…pictures of baby just adorable. She is gorgeous.
Am finished my week of night duty and am floored.
I picked up a septic throat on friday night which was full blown by Monday morning… So I am feeling miserable, mouth tastes awful, throat and chest hurt, I’m a coughing and a sneezing, and lying in bed aching all over… likely i will be in bed recovering instead of walking, and I am not happy. I can’t even do any exercise cos it hurts to move anything right now. Curse of Frig on it!!
Anyhow, I am down 2lbs today. It’s a small loss, but non the less, loss is better than gain!
Have a great week Ye all 🙂
Hi Julie-Ann,
I hope that you are having a great week. Just to update , today is my 2nd week weigh in and I lost further 4 pounds, that’s 14 in total so I’m well on the way for my May weightloss challenge. Enjoy your day. xx Monika 🙂
hiya,due to refeeding this wk im down 0lb.that’s fine with me.i yap afraid of being up weight!back on tfr nxt Tuesday xxx
Hi all … I cannt see my 9lbs from last week on the board, as of today I am now down 14lb altogether … yeppeeeeeeeee…… and its only half way through may wow I wonder what Ill have lost by the end of May 🙂 xxxx good luck all xxx
Hiya Julz, Amy and gang 🙂 My 2nd weigh in of the challenge today is 2.5lbs lost 🙂 I’m really happy with that. Feeling confident, so much so that I’m gonna try for even more next week lol 🙂 Roll on week 3. Hope everyone is doing well? Congrats to everyone on their losses xoxo
Hi Julz, weigh in day today for me, week 2 done and dusted and down another 5 lbs, woohoo 🙂 By the way, I just noticed on the leaderboard that my goal is down as 12 lbs, should be 21.
[…] Go to the new you leader board and enter your weight loss results – CLICK HERE […]
i have lost 4.5 lbs in week 2 of the challenge
I cant find myself on the leaderboard but maybe it takes a few days to update it?
hi aileen if you send me through your weight loss target for may and any lbs you have lost in the last 2 weeks i will make sure you are on the board
sorry aileen just seen your note in the registration for the challenge… i will put you into the leaderboard today and you can blog your results every tuesday and friday under the board…. im sure you will do great xxx
No weight lose this week, but still going strong.
I have lost 2 lbs this week, a little dissapointed as I struggled BIG TIME on Saturday, but didnt’ give into temptation.
Hi Amy
Week 2 – zero
Week 3 – 1 lb
Hey Amy I lost 2lb this week, tho on the board you have me down for another 4lb lost, I wish lol xx
hi jennifer sorry about that i will adjust it for you today must have read your week 1 result twice oops!!! dont wory you are doing great keep up the good work xxx
Thanks Amy, now it says 1lb on the board instead of 2lb lol xx
Hi I have lost 9lbs this week
Well done!! xx
forgot to log my weight loss, Wed weigh in 2lbs down. thanks mags
week 1 – 10 lbs loss
week 2 – 7 lbs loss
🙂 🙂 🙂
my weight loss hasnt been updated on the leaderboard.
i would like to add a week 2 loss of 6lbs please 😀 YAY
Week 1 = 8lbs
Week 2 = 4lbs
Week 3 = 3lbs
I am down 7 3/4lbs this week.
I’ve lost 3lbs this week. Love it.
Well done to everyone, you are all doing great. Lillian
2 lbs for me this week, its going slow, very slow… i wont lie it could be the water, must up that this week, but thats 11.3 lbs less then i was in April so may challenge how ever slow it is for me to loose totally is working.
Julz i hope there will be a Jolly june challenge as we shed some more lbs in june!
HI AMY – please put me down for 2 pounds lost this week. THANK YOU! X
Hi there , 2lb loss this week , but I havnt been well 🙁 16lb so far in May so I am very happy :). Im still not on the board 🙁 xxx good luck all for the following week xxx
Wk.3 -2ib.. Amy I notice my goal weight is still down as 14 but i had registered for 12ibm can u fix it please. Thanks Michelle
Down 3 lbs this week, happy out with that as had a bit of a blip at the weekend. I noticed my weight for last week wasn’t in, twas 5 lbs and also my goal weight is down as 12 lbs for May, should be 21!
week 3 weight loss 2.5 lbs. not as bad as had expected as had a break on friday night for a family meal….but tried to be good and stuck to fish and veg….was hard to resist the dessert lol.
WeightLoss Leader Board,
Hi Julz,
I am still munching away on the VLCD and I am down 12lb so please update me on the leader board and now I appear on page one hopefully.
Hi Julie-Ann,
Hope you are ok and doing well. I’m really good, had my third week weigh in today and I have lost further 3lb, that’s fantastic and I feel great as thought that will have a really low week, roll on week 4 and end of May weight loss challenge. I have been sticking to TFR 100% and now it’s becoming lot easier to do it, the longer I do it. Hope everyone is having a great day. x 🙂
Hiya Julz, Amy and gang, hope ye are all doing well 🙂 I’m down another 2 lbs. Happy with that. So far on the Challenge I’m down 6lbs only 4lbs off my target for this month. Hoping to reach it for next week 🙂 Loving this plan 🙂 Good luck to everyone weighing in, I hope ye are happy with ye’re results 🙂 xoxo
why has my weight loss not been recorded at all? Week 1 -9 1/2 lbs
Hi Amy, you have put me down for 2lbs under week three that was week 2’s loss, week three’s loss Im glad to report is 3 1/2 lbs. Thanks
Week 1 for me and 9lbs down, please update me on the leader board. Thanks.
week 3 weight in 3.5 lb
hey amy, i lost 2lb in week 2 not 1lb lol, this week i only lost 1 and a half pounds, but i have only been 100% from tuesday so its my own fault lol xx
Hi Amy, my weight record still isnt right Im glad to say!!, week 1 3.5 week 2. 2lbs week 3 3.5 thanks
Hi Julz My weight loss should read Wk 1 – lost 6 lbs, Wks 2 & 3 no loss (on hols) Wk3 1lb, making it 7 lbs so far. Hope you can add this to my update on the weight loss board. Cheers.
Any sign of the Hot Meals coming back in…running out now ????
Hello everyone, I lost 5lbs last week. I am now in the twelves for the first time in years. Love it. Good luck everybody. Lillian
Hi Amy, Im down 3.5 pounds this week. Thanks. x
hi Amy, for wk 2 for me its 0 as i was refeeding.then wk 3 is +8lb for me. my weigh-in is tomorrow so ill update wk 4 then.thanks xxx
my refeed week weight loss = -3lbs 😀
Week 1 -9.5 lbs
week 2 -3 lbs
Hi Julie-Ann
Hope you are having a great week. Mine is super, had my 4th week weigh in today and lost further 3lb, which I am very pleased with it as it means that I reached my May goal of losing 20lb, woohoo!! xxx 🙂
WOohooo!!! That is AMAZING Monika!! 20 pounds is AWESOME!! You are KILLING IT!! Check out day 29 video honey – I give you a big shout out!! xx
Week 1 from 21/5 to 28/5 lost 14lbs
Hey, can you update my weight loss for this week please. 4.5lbs down.
Thanks x
week 4 weigh in down 3.5 lbs
Final weigh in for me, lost just 2 lbs but happy out with my overall loss. I know where I went wrong. Tut tut to me.
My week 2 still hasnt been filled in, I lost 5 lbs that week and my goal weight is also still incorrect. Should be 21 lbs.
mags says
first wk I have lost 10 pounds and am delighted,am a bit nervous hope wk 2 will be as good, am loving the products
hi dont know if this is how to log weight loss for leader board but have lost 10-5 lbs in my first week n down another 1-5 lbs toda.
hi Amy,wk 4 weigh in and im down 11lb! so that’s wk1 down8lb,wk2 down 0 refeed,wk3 up 8lb,wk4 down 11lb so didn’t quite get to my may target of 12lb but 11 is fine with me after having time off for my birthday!!Bring on June xxx
Mon 28th, week 2, 7lbs down.
Amy thanks for sorting out my weeks, week for 3 3/4lbs, didnt hit my 16 goal but ill take 12 1/4 anyday!
Well done Margaret…. im sooo pleased for you – you have done so well – keep up the good work and feel free to leave us wee messages anytime you like to let us know how you are… Amy xxx
Hi Guys down 7lb for May so far – delighted.com!
well done tina im chuffed for you… you must be so proud… keep up the good work… i will sort the leader board out this afternoon and make sure you are in it… xxx
Week 2 weigh in for me on 30th May was -3 1/2 lbs. I am on refeed since saturday, so happy out. Week 1 9lbs, so total of 12 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks thrilled, though pound and half off my may challenge target!
WELL DONE AILEEN…. thats FAB im sure you are so chuffed with your results…xxx
i have lost 11 lbs. since I started 3 weeks ago tomorrow. I have another wigh-in tomorrow for this week. Weigh-ins are on Fridays.
week 1 lost 7lbs week 2 lost 4lbs
Wow! Well done to everyone. Ok. So I dropped 11lbs and the had a major OOopsy! Have worked very hard to balance my weight so I can contribute to the final weigh in. I did not make the Stone but I did manage to drop another 2 lbs. so my total for the May Challenge is 13lbs. Am still so pleased and will continue to challenge myself thru June.
well done lorriane im so chuffed for you thats great xxxx
As of this morning I had an additional 12 pound off from week 1, so for the month of May that is 24lb off. Started 1st May at 17st 10lb and am now 16st.
Roll on the 15’s !!! 🙂
hi, i have lost 7lb in May, not sure how i update leaderboard as my other weight was not registered either
hi megabae…. i have your goal on our board set as 14lbs and week 1 as 1.3 off… but i will make sure i have your total weight loss of 7lbs registered on the board today… xxx
I have lost 12 pounds since the beginning of the challenge.
well done rumen xxx
Hiya Julz, Amy and gang 🙂 I’ve lost 3.5lbs this week. Just .5 off my target for the month. I’m really happy with that 🙂 The challenge was a great boost and the videos were just fantastic Julz, very motivating. Thank you so much for doing them 🙂 Looking forward now to the rest of the summer 🙂 Well done to everyone, those that did the challenge and those that didn’t on ye’re amazing weight losses. Woooohooo 🙂 xoxo
Well done sharron thats fab… you should be so proud of yourself… thanks so much for taking part in the challenge and good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey xxx
Hi Amy
Week 4 weight in 1.5 lb, I didn’t reach my target for May but That’s okay, cause I am on re-feed now and still loosing weight.
Thanks Suzanne
hi suzanne…. well done with all your weight loss in the challenge…. you have done so well… and well done on going into refeed and still losing thats AMAZING…. i hope you are well and good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey – we are always here if you need us… xxx
Hey Amy I’ve lost 4lb this week xx
hey jennifer – well done you have done so well in the challenge you should be so proud… xxx
Thank you, I didn’t make the full 14lb tho, bit gutted 🙁 x
Hi Amy, hope its not to late. -2ib this wk. Have a lovely wknd 🙂
hi michelle…. dont worry i wont be updating the board until later on – want to make sure i dont miss anyone out…. well done with your weight loss during the challenge… you should be so proud of yourself… xxx
Had a great month, didn’t make my target, but still lost a stone so I couldn’t be happier. Loved the vidios. Thank you everyone at New You, and good luck to all you lovely people who are on this journey.
today is week 2, this week i have lost 7lb
im now at a total of 17lb gone
so delighted with the results ;)) happy camper